The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

This got a pretty big lol out of me.

The funny thing is their argument was “The president can’t be charged with anything by any jurisdiction ever.”

They will appeal and if it makes it to SCOTUS we might find WAAFFR (FOR REAL)

I believe it would be the accounting firm refusing. Which is bad news for Trump on the face of it.

“If the President does it, then it isn’t illegal,” Kavanaugh wrote in the majority’s finding.


Lynzie’s Face v. The Leopard

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If you want Trump to hear you, call in during Fox & Friends.

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I was trying to figure it out yesterday and couldn’t one way or the other. There was one thing I saw about Erdogan and Assad that made it look like Assad may be ok with Turkey invading, but that would be pretty hard to believe. A criticism of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (should not be just called “The Kurds”, they are polyethnic and one of the co-presidents is Arab) is that they have worked with Assad.

Hard to trust any of the reporting here, including the US media.

Edit: it really is aggravating that everyone calls the DFoNS “The Kurds” and no one will recognize their government or what it is. The US is definitely not their ally. If these Americans get their way I think they are hoping to crush Rojava anyway and either deal with some Syrian government or install the KRG.

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John Roberts is the moderate swing vote justice on the Supreme Court.

Yes, I know it’s hard to comprehend that an intelligence vacuum at the highest levels with the QAnon following president, QAnon following attorney general, probably QAnon following SOS, and 8 QAnon following GOP members of the House intelligence committee is bad and undermines national security, but that’s where we’re at. It’s obviously great that Bolton is out of there, but it’s absolutely not great to create an absolute vacuum in the top levels of intelligence gathering. You know, the people who advise the batshit insane president every day without Senate confirmation (lolSenate obv).

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Sure sounds like the judge is saying that everyone deferring to the OLC memo saying a president cannot he indicted is, in their humble judicial opinion, bullshit.


How has “national security” been harmed by Bolton’s and Coats’ dismissal? Specifically. Bolton was immediately replaced (no Senate approval required) and literally anyone is a better choice for that job that Bolton. I assume the massive bureaucracy of the American surveillance state can find someone among the sacred patriotic heroes of the American Intelligence Community to step into Coats’ shoes and collate the intelligence of the various agencies and brief the president until a successor is confirmed by the Senate. It’s not like either job is not being done. And if I could pick a federal bureaucracy that ought to be weakened, marginalized, and neglected by the President, I couldn’t think of a better candidate than the intelligence agencies.

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Trump dying in office carries a massive cost, in that his supporters never get to see him lose. Maybe that cost is worth it if he’s actually likely to nuke Iran or something, but without defeating Trump, no one will ever second-guess his strategy.

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