The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Rofl, it looks fell for the same thing as Lou Slobbs, the Lindsey tweets are from last year when this really bad idea was first floated, I think this is what precipitated Mattis’ resignation.

How are they doing EVERY SINGLE THING they accuse others of doing? And their base believes the lies and asks for seconds.

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Same way when you have one army with weapons facing another army with weapons, it’s not about sincere belief it’s about information warfare

It’s a post-truth world, buddy, and henceforth always will be.

Today’s Meet the Press basically established what an attempt to agree on the facts looks like.

it’s propaganda or nothing for the duration

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doh suzzer I was reading that! It literally disappeared after I read 3 sentences of it. (Did you remove because of people’s names?)

id like to read that, too

suzzgoat, please repost

LOL. Makes me feel better about which Batman villain I selected him to represent.


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Here you go. Apparently it was just some lame propadandist on Town Hall but it’s being attributed to the (ex) mayor of Livermore. Just dumbass propaganda for the really low-info right-wingers - which is most of them.


I don’t know why this is what Putin wants. It’s obviously true that Russia has been trying to gain influence in Turkey, but the reason for that is that they are clearly on different sides in the Syrian war. Turkey is the last remaining overt backer of those still willing to fight the Syrian regime, who are now - let’s be clear - violent jihadists whose only qualification is that they’re not (or no longer) literally Isis.

If Turkey does invade Rojava then they’ll likely do exactly what they’ve been doing in Afrin. The bulk of their fighters on the ground are those scum mentioned above, and they are ethnically cleansing the area. The part of Turkey that dips along the coast west of Afrin was historically Syrian but Turkey gained it between the wars, it’s pretty clear that they have no intention of ever handing back the parts of Syria they take.

The only way this helps Putin is if it forces Rojava to make a deal with Assad, that that all moves fast enough to stop an invasion, and that Assad and Turkey then come to a deal that pleases them both. The first part of that might happen, if US forces do pull out Rojava has no other options to avoid a horrendous end than a deal with Assad, but Turkey, Russia, Syria etc. have been negotiating about Idlib for years and have not found any sort of useful accord.

In short what Putin likely wants in Syria now is an end to fighting so his investment in Syria can pay off. Starting a new front in the North which might take the most economically productive part of the country permanently out of the hands of his biggest ally there isn’t a great step. Given he’s been courting Erdogan maybe it’s not awful, and there’s a slim chance it will provoke a good outcome, but I don’t think it’s something he would have chosen.


Putin is selling arms to both sides

Yes, if it wasn’t clear then the arms deals are what I meant by gaining influence in Turkey. I don’t think Putin’s plan for his investment in Syria and the ME is to be able to sell arms whilst the region erupts in war all over.

They’ve also announced about 4 or 5 deals in Idlib over the past few years. It’s going so well that last week there were rumours Turkey was going to invade it themselves on account of their pet jihadists never doing what they tell them to.

Any good articles on the Turkey/Kurds thing? With background?

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I don’t want my only post on the matter to be about fucking Putin, but what else is there to say, really? It’s a horrible decision, but pretending there’s ever been a moral dimension to US foreign policy is just playing into the hands of the scumbags who use it as cover for the forever war.


I can buy that only like 25% are the super insane trumpers. But that other 15% or so doesn’t care about impeachment and we aren’t gonna get them to switch with investigations. They haven’t budged at all yet even through EVERYTHING. I think most of those people probably don’t pay that much attention to politics, and probably assume everything coming from the dems is BS politics. Also they’re terrified of " socialism " and think Bernie sanders will tank the economy.

I’ve met many wishy washy trump supporters online and in person. They like the tax cuts even if they only get a little. They think the dems are just as corrupt as the Republicans. And the main reason they’re kinda on Trumps side here is they think SJW and cancel culture are ruining America. They aren’t full on racist, think everything is the deep state, will die for Trump though. In fact they have been annoyed with him lately, not over this stuff but over him continuing to yell at the fed trying to redline the economy for his re-election.

That 15% only cares about one thing, the economy.

That said I think there is gonna be insane turnout for dems in 2020. Assuming we don’t get biden.

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