The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I like how the latest defense of Trump from Republican politicians is that he’s just joking about lots of the things he says because he likes to mess with the media.

Yes, because fucking with the press is definitely a responsible thing for the President of the United States to do.
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Somebody, I hope, is going to ask stable, when you said China should investigate Biden, were you joking? When he says no, I want everybody to dedicate their next bowel movement to Marco Rubio and Gym Jordan.

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Clinton got impeached with a much stronger economy for a much much much less serious offense, but keep crying about it

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Jon makes some insanely entertaining content. I recommend almost all of them. The video on “Why you never want to be associated with Jack Bauer” is incredible

Shout out Wharton!


Techdirt is the right place to go for news-related copyright and trademark info. and broader policy. Same with internet stuff.

I’m surprised Trump didn’t say he gave farmers $28 Billion to protect them from the nasty socialist democrats that want to destroy America.

I think this is broadly true. However, when you try to articulate their broader understanding of “human nature, society, government, justice, and the meaning of life in general” into an actual theory you end up with a few different candidates: John Birch Society-ism, Catholic Dominionism/Protestant fundamentalism, white supremacy (“Western Society”), “trolling the libs” (because my life sucks), or emotional/nationalism-based authoritarianism, generally in some combination.

Each of these views is deeply shallow, anti-information, and requires fact-adverse, conspiratorial notions to tie together the isolated bits of information that undergirds the braoder perspective/worldview. The shorthand term for describing such approaches to understanding “human nature, society, government, justice, and the meaning of life in general” is “ignorant” or “stupid” or “excessive exposure to lead-based paints.”


Not sure where Romney got that cone, but it’s 100% legit.

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I think Ford was reasonably decent - at least, I’ve never read anything about him to make me think otherwise. I think giving Nixon a pardon was a big mistake - but I can also see how he might have considered it the right thing to do at the time.


I think conservatives in general are not capable of anything more than 1st level thinking. And they double down on it when confronted with the fact they are morons. My BIL is one of those people that think everyone in America should speak English. When I asked him about deaf people using sign language, instead of being open minded about it, he’ll get angry and say “That’s not what I meant!” But he never evolves and the pattern repeats itself over and over.

There is just no rationalizing with people like that. It’s the same with social issues, crime, healthcare, 2A, climate, everything. And they get pissed when it gets pointed out their viewpoints are idiotic. That’s why they love Trump. He’s a first level thinker and he screams stuff that’s “obvious” to these people.


I have always felt trump’s hardcore support is ~25% of voters. So I buy into what is being sold in this article. I think some here might disagree and feel his core base is bigger.

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