The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

If there’s one thing that David Frum believes, it is that US Presidents MUST be held accountable for deadly foreign policy mistakes. That’s just a core David Frum principle, what a hero.


“Serious legal people” suck.

Yes, because they’re liars.

They knew a Muslim ban would be illegal, so they included North Korea and Venezuela on the banned countries list. A flat out ban on Muslims entering the US would have been invalidated by a 9-0 Supreme Court decision because ldo First Amendment.

Congress exercising a power that they’ve been established to have by previous courts isn’t the same type of thing.

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I’m not a lawyer so I rely on expert opinion. I’d feel different if I found a bunch of left-wing lawyers saying it’s obvious congress should start locking up these people. It’s entirely possible I am missing those voices but I haven’t seen them which worries me about this tactic.

I’m ready to admit I’m delusional, but I really am hoping that all of her seeming incompetence is in reality her pulling a Johnny Chan we haven’t seen since Mike McDermont

For the love of all that has been left untouched by this dumpster fire, can we leave Calvin & Hobbes out of this?


A lot to shake one head at in the latest round of “you’re just the Trumpkins of the left”.

One thing though is that Trump really wasn’t far outside of what’s legal with either the Muslim ban or refusal to let asylum seekers stay and in the end he’s legally getting his way. There is a Muslim ban in effect right now, asylum seekers are not being allowed to stay awaiting a hearing and all indications are that this is perfectly legal. The “Trumpkin Left” just isn’t primarily upset about process violations and a lack of reverence for the law and institutions, they are upset that Muslims are banned and asylum seekers are locked up or turned away. Fuck the law and fuck the institutions.

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What opinions have you seen that Barr can’t be arrested?

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Your trolling has become low energy lately, heart not in it anymore?

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I’d like to, but if you had to describe the US government for the better part of the last decade in one word, is there a better one than Calvinball?

I think you’re making the same mistake he is. You’re getting too caught up in accurately describing the weedsy details of the whole thing. No one cares about that, and if you try to drag them down that path they’ll just shrug or you’ll lose them.

Look at what the republicans are doing, they have people screaming the Dems are attempting a coup, for fucks sake.

This is absolutely about the president being a criminal and being massively corrupt. That’s it. And it has the benefit of actually being true.

Not sure why you think that’s trolling. Unironically putting up DAVID FRUM tweets moralizing about deadly foreign policy mistakes is beyond satire.

So, to be clear, you’re saying the worst thing about banning Muslims, putting children in cages, denying asylum seeker’s rights to enter the country and the like is that they are possibly illegal. And that, in trying to stop this sort of thing, the most important consideration is to never do anything that those perpetrating such acts might be able to claim is possibly illegal?

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You’re making it about the author instead of the dead Ukranians, I really don’t care if he’s being hypocritical, those soldiers are still gone. They are still at war with Russia and tRUmp withholding aid to exert pressure to help himself politically is the point I was trying to drive home.


He’s a monster and a war criminal that is responsible for selling the American public a fraudulent war that killed thousands of American soldiers, maimed tens of thousands more, killed a hundred thousand Iraqis and destabilized an entire region for decades, causing god knows how many more deaths, displacements and human misery. Thinking that this sack of shit has any sort of moral authority to pretend to care about a handful of Ukrainian soldiers killed that is only incredibly tenuously linked to delayed military aid is nuts. You guys like to talk about bad faith arguments, that David Frum tweet is the worst faith thing I have ever seen, that could only be taken seriously in a country where DAVID FRUM is somehow working at The Atlantic and MSNBC rather than selling pencils from a cup on the side of the road.


The aid, which is new Trump aid - not something that Obama did even though Russia invaded The Ukraine in 2014, wouldn’t have saved those soldiers and this is being used by Frum to beat the drum for war or at least more military aid.


In private transactions, not on a market. I hope this is just a disingenuous dig and not an indication that you think the efficient markets hypothesis is claimed to apply to private transactions.

This thread isn’t about him, I feel the same way, but that doesn’t invalidate the point.

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Calvinball represented childhood wonder and goodness. Our government is filled with evil, lying men.

anyway, I don’t want to be a dick and it was mostly a joke but also not

Appalled Warning, Mitt is appalled you guise