The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS
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Yes, that is what you’re getting impeached for.


For those who were wondering what it would have been like if Nixon had had an entire right wing media apparatus backing him in 1974, now you know.


The other anti-corruption candidate

Came up via Volker this morning.

Seems Volker came with a lot of receipts this morning.

Rep. Michael R. Turner (R-Ohio) released a statement just before noon saying that, after attending the interview for an hour, he felt confident Volker’s testimony would not advance House Democrats’ “impeachment agenda.”

(Sorry for all the posts having trouble pasting off the top line when editing)

Lol republicans
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Fuck the villages so hard. The Chapo episode on this was pure insanity.


It’s evil old-person Disneyland with extra VD.


It’s full of boomers… and they are easily the most promiscuous generation in our nation’s history.

I wish a giant killer alligator would descend upon that place, hypothetically speaking.

This is a preposterous post. There is no preparation for the rampant corruption going on right now. They’re in uncharted waters, and going on old school ways of decorum and procedure. Thinking people would be well skilled in taking down this kind of corruption doesn’t make any sense to me. No one knows how to do this, or it would already be done.

Trump’s going to help a lot with future stuff regarding corruption and abuse of power, but it’s going to take some time, if he even gets ousted in impeachment at all. Just two weeks ago, it was unthinkable that the Senate would convict. We’re now drawing very live to the Senate convicting Pence, Pompeo, Barr, and Trump. We officially entered the public phase of this scandal last Thursday. And, every day a bunch more things related to the scandal break. To say that anyone knows how to deal with this (especially when Congress is in a two week recess) just doesn’t make any sense at all.

And essentially the rest of your post is that you know the Democrats aren’t doing the right thing, but you have no clue what the right thing is. In order to have an opinion of weight on the criticism side, you have to have some ability to see the right path. Otherwise, you’re just taking a shit because it’s fun.

Here are some of the things I would do:

  1. Impeach (4 for this, multiple others for other offenses)-Do their Constitutional duty, fuck getting re-elected. Fuck potentially losing power, do the right thing the one time it will be required in your Congressional lives.

  2. Remove Pelosi as Speaker-I’ve used the analogy that she beat flopped quads with a pocket pair, because of Stupid Watergate. She deserves no accolades from this at all. She has willfully abdicated her duty, and continues daily to try to abdicate it. She is one of the world’s worst strategists in the middle of a Constitutional crisis.

  3. Primary the hell out of any truly safe blue district Democrat who dragged their feet on their Constitutional duty. Primary Blue Dogs who dragged (or drag) their feet on their Constitutional duty. Primary them with people who can win in those districts who will both do their Constitutional duty and not hold the party hostage with a tiny amount of votes. The key is to win the seats with what they can win with, not randomly primary people so a Republican can win in a closely contested district.

  4. Become the party that won’t stand corruption, just like it became the party that didn’t tolerate people like Franken.

  5. Run on ‘Voting For You’ like AOC did. Every candidate should be drilled to say in not so many words ‘Vote For You’. We have generations of people voting against their own best interests. Don’t vote for their interests, vote for you. That’s a simple and effective message.

  6. Legislate the fuck out of every single bad behavior Trump or any of his minions have done in this admin to make sure everything is blatantly illegal with stiff penalties vs. having any gray areas.

  7. Legislate that a Special Counsel is truly independent of the DOJ, and that the DOJ is not allowed to represent or defend the president in any personal legal matters down to briefs, etc. Write the law so that it says the only jurisdiction for a presidential crime is Congress, and that any Special Counsel report must be turned over to Congress’s JC and any affected committees without redactions. If any member politically tries to leak any material that would normally be redacted for political benefit or harm to an ongoing case or intelligence operation, that member has committed a crime and will be expelled from Congress (this is intended for people like Gaetz) with the opposition party head getting to name the replacement until the next full election.

  8. Legislate that if the administration or president is implicated that they are not entitled to use executive privilege to try to kill a whistleblower report, and anything related to delivery of the report (this is all TBD obviously).

  9. Legislate that a president cannot pardon himself, and that anyone implicated in an administration, or allied with an administration cannot pardon the president for any crimes.

That’s just to start, and it’s a lot more than what most here are offering.

I think Pelosi is absolutely vulnerable. I think there’s very little chance to beat Schumer, and Durbin will also be extremely hard to primary.

This is the first time I’ve ever heard of an “age restricted community,” how the fuck is that even legal?


Welcome to



What do you mean by fight?

WAAF? Well as far as impeachment goes, yeah. It probably won’t matter. How should dems fight? Have a positive message to attract new voters? Hack voting machines and block old white Christians from voting? Ballot or the bullet?