The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

“Consoler-in-Chief” doesn’t give a single public appearance press conference. GTFO with that shit. At least Gov. DeWine had the stones to show up at the vigil before getting booed offstage.

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Soledad is marriage material

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On mobile it’s confirmed hard to follow replies. I suggest using quotes if the post happened several posts back as a courtesy.


Soledad is great at the twitter

Ohio politics is infuriating and the people here are terrible

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Is Ohio the worst non-southern state? Kansas where u at?

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Wisconsin republicans making a claim to the title after culling power of the state’s executive branch once a democrat got elected governor.

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Yes. Columbus is tolerable but only in pockets as the suburbs are full of people who would fit right in on Chiefs Planet. The rest of the state is just awful.

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Pig Vomit.
Stern used to call one of his early program directors Pig Vomit as an expression of his hatred for him.
Donald Trump, you’re my Pig Vomit.

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as a longtime stern fan, i can tell you the “pig vomit” name was just for the movie, and that the name he actually used for the guy was “pig virus”. i don’t remember if the guy objected or if they just thought vomit sounded funnier but both are accurate descriptions of this asshole


Oh, it worked sweetheart.

Yep - read around a bit. Confirmed Pig Virus. My point stands!!


I grew up in an extremely liberal, progressive suburb of Cleveland and assumed all other Ohioans thought alike. Of course I know now how wrong that assumption was.

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A great time was had by all!! Hope to do it again real soon!!”

[agree that quoting at least a little of what you’re replying to can be helpful for context - there was a “fuck you” reply directed at Trump earlier and at first I thought was replying to the post directly above and I was like “damn that’s pretty hostile bro”]

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West Virginia

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Well, if the grand wizard proclaims we don’t have a white supremacy problem then I guess we’re in the clear.

Whew! Close one.


I dunno, Indiana, Kansas and Pennsylvania give Ohio a run for its money imo.