The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Impeach the hypenator imo.

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ā€œElizabeth Warren, of the Do Nothing Party, has won the Presidency of the United States by crushing Incumbent and Federally indicted Donald Trump. This comes six months after Trumpā€™s estranged wife and youngest son fled the country.ā€

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It is important to never forget how far we have gone. Any one of his tweets as president in 2015 would have been a huge scandal. Instead he does it scores of times a day.

I think when not constantly faced with the severity of something people tend to minimize and downplay how bad it is. Most people donā€™t read most of his tweets and it has allowed his behavior to become normalized.

Donā€™t really want to rely on the horrible media vetting this nonsense, they are horrible at it.


I knew there had to be some news about to break to send him into such a panic.

Putin is perhaps the richest person in the world having maybe $200B. That doesnā€™t happen unless itā€™s your only motivation, that and staying in power to keep the money coming in. He doesnā€™t give a shit about chaos, the United States, Russia, the Russian people, glory, any of that unless it affects his personal wealth.

I doubt heā€™s going to notice this. Heā€™s way too self absorbed and thereā€™s a lot going on within 5 feet of him.

I think youā€™re wrong about this. Putin is about power and prestige more than he is about money. Which ironically is why he has so much money. If all you care about is money you usually stop taking risks and peace out long before you even amass a billion dollars (unless itā€™s easy for some reason).

Itā€™s more than just greed for monetary gain, Putin has a world view of Soviet exceptionalism and has eyes on expansion of his empire. The money is just a perk.



Honestly, I get the the opposite from reading his tweets. Though lies, they are simple and easy messages that his supporters can easily understand and parrot (which they are happy to do whether or not they believe the lies themselves). The only way this really blows up on him is if a Trump senior administration official who was in on it spills his guts in front of Congress, IMO. Even then, they risk the Michael Cohen treatment of getting buried for helping Trump commit crimes while Trump himself skates. And good luck hitting the parlay of a) someone in the 3rd year of the Trump administration having the moral compass to do so while b) not being blocked via Executive Privilege.

The ad Iā€™m getting on this page, lol. Target marketing!

ā€œWhatever happens, in the history of the United States, Ukraine will remain the country that led to the impeachment of the US President. Not a very fun prospect. But now everyone knows what we are capable of :sunglasses:ā€

Clockwork orange it up.

Never forget. Even for a day.


Disagree and this leads to not understanding Russian FP.

Putinā€™s wealth is mostly oil and gas. He owns 4.5% of Gazprom.

Seems like they wasted an opportunity to talk about how both Monica and Zelensky got caught fellating the president.

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ā€œPeter Baker shouldnā€™t be allowed to write about me and Adam Schiff must resign immediately!ā€

These are definitely things a stable genius would say. Not scared at all.

I still donā€™t get that first tweet. Heā€™s saying " Liddle " is wrong but " Liddleā€™ " is correct? WTF does that even mean? Imagine this being the first thing on your rapidly deteriorating mind this morning.


Heā€™s saying that he intentionally called Adam Schiff

and itā€™s PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT for CNN to call that a misspelling.

Fuck yeah

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Putin can be rich and still not have that being the primary motivation for his actions.

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