The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Smacks of the letter signed by former federal prosecutors

In today’s least shocking news:

“So we learned that Trump committed a heinous crime that needed our urgent attention. A few hours later we took two weeks off.”

How are the Democrats going to sell to the public that what Trump did was an unprecedented abuse of power and endangering vital national security interests if they immediately go into recess? It doesn’t even reach the level of business as usual, they treat it as vacation as usual.

I don’t care if it is a religious holiday. I don’t care if your wife gives birth. I don’t care if your mother was diagnosed with cancer. DO YOUR JOB!

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This appears to have been deleted

This means they really want them released, right?

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Russia kind of wins no matter what happens to Trump. They’re just kicking back, eating popcorn and enjoying the show.

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I think it’s a huge L for Putin if Trump goes, on sanction if nothing else.

He had to fix a typo, surprised his dumbass tweet “discribing” an apostrophe as a hyphen’s still up.

Also while comparing the Adam Schiff tweets to see what he fixed I noticed the bot missed the first half of this so:

Very legal and very good.
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I feel like they would prefer having Trump in office but also they can cut bait and just enjoy the chaos this creates.

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Russia wanted me to lift sanctions for nothing, I said, of course, YES!


This. Trump was a big W for them, but they always knew that he was temporary (8 years max, but realistically 4). They want the US to be as confused and fucked up as possible… and this is going to help that out. Trump exiting ugly is good for them. This is going to be ugly.

Anyone who thought that Putin helped Trump because he liked him… lol. Trump has never been anything but a terrain feature for anyone he’s ever been involved with. Anyone who tried to engage with him personally on a relationship level got to go through the narcissists cycle which always ends with being preyed upon.

Putin is 100% predator 0% prey lol. He’s been looking for a spot to profitably sell Trump since he started making moves to get him elected.