The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS


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It really is amazing how they screw up EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Zero humility after fucking getting Trump elected, too.

Rudy is putting on a goddamn clinic.

Rudy should be in a clinic


I can see why heā€™s upset nowā€¦



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In the past few days, Rudy has:

Announced on TV that he asked Ukraine to investigate Hunter.

Announced on TV that he has important evidence on his phone and is ready to rat people out.

Completely blown up any executive privilege argument Trump might have had.

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A huge LOL at the right hand side of that chart. Party Identification: Not sureā€¦ 19% support, 8% oppose, 73% donā€™t know.

Those people really have this adulting thing down, huh?


Why do I care? Let the Republicans make that argument, itā€™s just not that relevant. Heā€™s a well connected lawyer and lobbyist who went to Yale Law, served in the United States Navy and has worked in the US Government. Maybe heā€™s actually qualified, how the hell should I know? But again, why do I care?

It just doesnā€™t matter in the grand scheme of things, and when the GOP brings that up the response should be, ā€œLOL, nice try. Weā€™re still talking about the impeachable offenses of President Trump.ā€

This only matters if Biden wins the nomination, and I donā€™t support him, plan to knock on doors to oppose him in the primary, and I donā€™t think heā€™s going to win it. So this potential Biden mini scandal is just boring and irrelevant as far as Iā€™m concerned. We can look into it when the dust settles if people care.

Iā€™ve been out of the loop all day. Have we realized that still, nothing matters. Or are you all still starry eyed naive little believers in justice? Did I missing anything that moved the needle?

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He doesnā€™t deserve impeachment, he deserves a RICO indictment.

Iā€™m still cynical.

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Iā€™m not sure those people are not smarter than us. Iā€™d love to not know anything about trump or to care about politics. Imagine the freedom.

They were just covering themselves for when he starts executing the people who donā€™t laugh at his jokes.

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Perhaps. Morally, Iā€™d rather be in the know and be doing the right thing.

Turns out Rudy is a bigger narcissist than Trump.