The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I also like how he just slips in a major policy change as an afterthought. “Rage rage rage… additionally, here’s some more tariffs.”

Nbd just destroying the global economy one tweet at a time. MURICA!

I wouldn’t be surprised if the UK/EU got tarrifs put on by him after this G7 summit.

Farmers union just put out a statement saying he is hurting more than helping. Now those tweets lmao.


Going to fund UBI with Chinese tariff monies. We are all going to be so rich.

Ok so now 15% instead of 10%. And he said additional $300B but I assume he’s still waiting until December for the Christmas items and not moving them all up to Sept 1.

Also, this is an escalation so now China will have to retaliate on this increase.

china just did that an hour ago, trump saw this and immediately retaliated on the retaliation.

Also lol dems if they can’t win say IA or KS after this nonsense where all the farmers get wrecked and probably still vote for him anyway.

that said, the worse the poll numbers the more he’s just going to wreck the place and try to win the aftermath of it

Waiting until December was a gift to Jyna, he’s taking it back.

Right, wheatrich, they retaliated on his prior tariffs but now that he’s doing this they will have to retaliate on these new ones

It’s a never ending escalation

Get me a meeting with the Pres, I’ll explain that increasing to 15% is pathetically weak, he should crank it up to 50%

Think of all those extra billions that will pour into the treasury directly from China. Some can be redistributed to the farmers to buy their votes in 2020, the rest can go to critically important “voter integrity” projects, Air Force One upgrades, etc.

I’m starting to feel like we should be moving to Defcon 4 right now. I hadn’t even thoughr about Defcon until that financial adviser said Trump went to Defcon 5 today.

RBG just has to make it to Jan 1 since Mitch would NEVER seat a SCOTUS nominee in an election year, right? RIGHT!?!

I know you’re joking but he legit already said he would.

( twitter | raw text )

interesting that he chose not to blame them for not sweeping the rain forest floor


They waited until the markets closed to announce tariff hikes.

Didn’t want an even bigger drop in one day.

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one, he likes bolsarano and two, rainforest burning down is good for business. Sure there’s an issue with humanity is fucked thing but they don’t give a damn about that.

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Schrodinger’s tax returns! You can’t order us to turn over tax returns if we don’t tell you whether or not we have them! Chessmate, judges!

I assume that by

“if the United States can help with the Amazon Rainforest fires, we stand ready to assist”

he means we’ll help them start fires faster and more efficiently.

Thankfully the US Government usually leaves South American governments to themselves and doesn’t meddle.


The heart of the dispute is whether the subpoenas were issued pursuant to a legislative matter, which lawyers for the US House of Representatives have argued, or whether their true purpose is an attempt by Congress to improperly aid law enforcement, which Trump’s lawyers contend.
