The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

lol a Repubican is deeply concerned that the bar for impeachment is being set too low


Gotcha. I don’t think there’s a chance in hell either, I’ve just been doing a lot of skimming here and didn’t realize there were so many people who thought it was a done deal.

Imagine if Klepper and his crew weren’t white.

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Maybe. But it’s a political question. The Supreme Court is unlikely to take any case on it, so as a practical matter, the dem controlled senate will decide whether it can try Trump.

Could Trump sue if he’s barred from office?

I think its more likely that Mitch is doing a bunch of showy smoke and mirrors about impeachment to distract from the fact that he had been stalling on other Senate obligations like voting on Biden’s nominees. He’s trying to hurt the Biden admin while getting praised by the media for his bipartisanship, and its working.

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the Army Community

People of army? Armo-Americans?

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That’s all true

But it is also fine because it’s making Trump mad.

Lisa Montgomery executed early this AM. Cory Johnson and Dustin Higgs scheduled to be executed on Friday. The criminals in charge making sure to kill some criminals who are not in charge on their way out the door.

Dan Bishop loves the flag so much he uses it as a mask.

I would have thought the architect of the Capitol was dead.


Yeah. I guess that is the only way it could reach the court realistically. They might still punt it off though as a political question.

It can be both.

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Republicans are just paying lip service to impeachment. I don’t believe a single one of them will vote to impeach until it actually happens. No chance Trump gets removed before serving out his whole term. This is for show. I hear this every day on AM talk radio “of course I support x, but not like y” for civil rights, healthcare, etc.

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The idea that they have sincere procedural objections is absolutely fucking ridiculous, literally nobody believes that.

But then it makes it basically impossible to bar from office if someone who resigns can’t be impeached and barred. But there’s probably a distinction between someone who resigns in the middle of his term and someone who leaves at the end of this term. Like maybe Nixon could be impeached and barred after he resigns but Trump can’t because he’s at the end of his term. But obviously you can’t like impeach Beto and bar him from the presidency, he’s just a guy. And arguably Trump is just a regular private citizen on January 21.


Would they refuse to hear the case because of the political question doctrine or would they hear the case so they can issue a decision that it is a political question?

I think the Senate votes to bar hi mfrom office. I think he gives up there and precedent is established. I think if he tries to run and sues to get on the ballot, the courts don’t take the case as it’s a political question, qualifications to be on the ballot up to congress, etc. etc., and he de facto loses as well.

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