The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

Birxy cat, Birxy cat, I hate you.

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Info must be too sensitive to trust to encrypted communication

This is extremely concerning. If they cave and just let Trump pick whatever numbers suit him then the data will be even less reliable than it already is. The article also mentions how Birx has been pressuring states to change how they report deaths. That explains the death count anomaly in red states like Florida, Georgia and Texas where magically far less of their confirmed cases die.

Also LOL Dr. Birx. What an absolute fraud.


Like there’s active reason to disbelieve them, because there is no doubt at all that if you read Trump’s Twitter feed and believed it all, you would be worse informed about the world. On average the tweets are lies or misrepresentations.

I like data, so why aren’t death counts released in a way that allows you to separate out these categories? Knowing how many coronavirus deaths are presumed positive without a confirmed lab result would give us an idea of how behind we are in testing. It would be no different than describing the money supply in terms of M1/M2/M3.

There is nothing wrong with data but taking this admin’s motives at face value seems really dumb. They are obviously trying to suppress the death totals and it has already started in red states. The article also explains that there are no people who died of other causes being labeled Covid because the form itself asks if they died because of Covid, not if they died while positive for Covid. So using Dumb Donnie’s own example if someone fell down the stairs and died while positive with Covid those deaths are already not counted as a Covid death.

Umm…Presumed positive used to be patients who tested positive locally but whose tests were not confirmed by the CDC lab. Like this was 2 whole months ago, which may as well be 10 years, but I’m pretty sure that is still what it means.

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( twitter | raw text )

Good data reporting is decidedly NOT the point.

Oh, I don’t trust them at all. They seem to want a single number that can be manipulated to be as small as possible. I want maximum data.

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Well that’s the projectioniest tweet in quite some time.

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Which part—the market manipulation or the “barely legal”?



( twitter | raw text )

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Everyone knows the symbol predates Nazis bro.

Definitely a sign Democrats shouldn’t run a boring candidate thinking they will win on the basis of being not R…oh fuck…

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Katie Hill really shouldn’t have resigned.


It’s always projection!

Yeah this right here. People generally speaking suck. Some tolerance of people doing regrettable stuff is unavoidable imo. Doesn’t mean it’s ok, but being publicly embarrassed is good enough 95% of the time.