The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

50% of the country doesn’t vote and thus isn’t polled. So its more like 40% of the 50% that vote.

Among those who don’t vote if I had to guess the vast majority don’t like him. They just don’t because they can’t be bothered, think it doesn’t make a difference, or have a hard time because of voting suppression. Or they hate both sides.

All the young people I know that don’t have hate Trump but usually don’t vote because they don’t want to leave work or are lazy or a million other excuses.

They are polled.

Here is a PDF of the most recent YouGov poll.

1000 adults: 42% approve
Of those, 726 are registered voters. 45% approve.
( twitter | raw text )


Screencap this before it’s deleted.

He has stolen Sklansky’s shtick.


LOLOLOLOLLLL please proceed Governor

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Dude’s a figure of fun.

My wife: that’s the dumbest tweet of the hour, possibly the day.

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Did someone tell him recently what sarcasm is, and so he’s trying to claim it, like, everywhere?

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Thought that was photoshopped until I looked up the video. Day 3 video kills me.

I legit have no idea why anybody would subscribe. Just see how many days he’d go.

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That’s gonna be his response whenever he’s wrong about something. Just gonna spam the sarcasm button

You guys look pretty dumb for laughing. Becoming more and more obvious that “hamberger” was SARCASM.

Nah. You’re confused like Trump.

Owning Greenland would be great. Offering to buy it is stupid. This ain’t the 1400s. All land is discovered and no one is selling shit. While we’re at it why don’t we offer to buy Madagascar or Tasmania? How about the Falkland Islands?. Owning those would also be in the best interest of the US as well.

When you offer to buy something that no one would in their right mind would sell, either you are stupid or you telling the current owner you think they’re stupid. Both of these are bad things with respect to good international relations, which is something that Trump, incorrectly, doesn’t give a shit about.

The damage that does is worse than the 1 in a trillion or less chance that Denmark says yes. We might as well just offer to buy all of Denmark while we at it. Owning that would be great too.


That’s one hell of a retcon attempt. I’m sure he spent hours racking his good you-know-what to come up with that one.


You guise, he was being sarcastical, gheesh.

He’s the president of the United States for crying out loud, he has to be incredibly smart. It’s in the rool boocks.

Tell me how his behavior would be different if he were a drug addicted, dementia riddled pea brain.


Fuck, it might be the dumbest thing anybody has ever put into text.

What I’m really looking forward to is the Trump slurper defense of this. Anyone got some deplorable facebook friends they can ask about this and then post results. If I had any, I’d have already trolled them with it by now.