The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Consider this homework you should do for yourself. There’s like 200 places/podcasts/articles that go into the weeds on Flynn, the investigation, his sweetheart deal, etc. Everything is totally crazy. Hell, read the briefs recently filed for the appeal.

In a vacuum what Flynn did seems like totally normal transition stuff. Oh hey, don’t freak out about this thing, hang tight, our incoming administration is going to have a different policy. This is the sort of diplomacy that transitions ought to be doing. Now of course that same diplomacy could actually be a corrupt and illegal transaction, but you’d have to have evidence to prove that, which the FBI seemed to conclude that they didn’t have. So then Strozk latched on to the Logan act violation to interview Flynn. If the FBI could prove some sort of corrupt arrangement then prosecute that.

I’m not going to go listen to 200 unnamed podcasts on this subject. If you have a specific article you’d like to link to I’d be happy to read it.

And even if it were in a no profile case, the dismissal would get scrutiny because someone done messed up bad, and the judge will want to know if he’s been lied to.

The judge deliberately put Flynn under oath to lock him in just in case he was planning to purjure himself.


Also, the logan act is not unconstitutional and should be used more, as least in extreme cases like Flynn/Nixon. This is a minority legal position, but something should be done.

Even if the logan act is unconstitutional a court needs to say so in some context. Things don’t get improved as long as a law appears to be doing its job.

Trump burning down Mount Rushmore is near final story arc we need.


Of course he’ll rake the forest himself before the big show.


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New thread for Flynn stuff

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( twitter | raw text )

In honor of Nunes losing his case


Recovery is cooling? What recover? Three weeks ago we were in recovery?

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Interesting take saying the Bible was NOT upside down.

I guess if it is the Devil’s Handbook it was right side up

It wasn’t.

I can’t decide what the stronger case is for Trump’s reelection, is it A) ACTUALLY the bible was NOT upside down! or is it B) ACTUALLY he CAN drink from a glass! Each makes a good point.


He initially held it upside down though right? I’ve seen the picture.

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He didn’t. Seriously. Watch the video starting at 5:00 if you don’t believe me.

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then the video is upside down, idk what to tell you


Wtf why does the left have so much legit fake news lol.