The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

maaan, they need to hold some of this shit for later!


God unless they have it or something as bad or worse recorded I just don’t give a fuck. Access Hollywood didn’t even matter because it was just Trump talking like everyone already expected he did. Unless you have him on tape straight up insulting our military or outright overt racism I just don’t care. Electorally he will lose more votes with the military shit. Everyone already assumes he uses the N word so it will just get brushed aside like grab em by the pussy.


Trump using the N word means nothing at this point. His supporters will just come back with “It’s just a word, snowflake!” and “Trump has done more for the n words than any President!”


I would praise this if a democrat did it, but this specific situation as it is? DESPICABLE

DeJoy ending up in prison would be pretty nice. The guy just oozes criminal scumbag who has skated through life without consequences.


Nah. If they’re sitting on multiple stories like this, we want them to be roughly evenly spaced between now and November, no more than about one a week, the last one dropping about a week out from election day, but the biggest about two weeks before that. You want Trump always on the defensive, and you also need dirt earlier than normal given the state of mail in voting. No one story has to be wegothim.gif like actually getting him, but any week when Trump is more on the defensive is a victory given the state of polling. Trump has to make a pretty big shift in order to have a decent chance of winning and only 8 weeks to do that. Just keep sucking air out of the room with stories about Trump being Trump that he has to deny.




FYP. Overt racism wouldn’t hurt him much.


Maybe if you had him on tape saying he would repeal the second amendment if he won a second term.


Gosh its hard to imagine him finding a landing place in private sector.

Yeah, this definitely seems like the optimal line.

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Someone talk me out of this insane fantasy I have where right before the election a bunch of reporters say fuck it and destroy their careers and burn all their sources by outing them for the horrible things they’ve been able to say anonymously.


Not linking but our bet Seth Abramson is pushing a book coming out Russia and money.

Over/under 1 day that something is easily disproved.


Every twitter ad I get for a S&S book I reply with a a shame on you and Bolton. Means nothing but makes me feel better.
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I’m not buying any of these assholes’ books.

Do not reward them. Every single one of them took the job knowing the truth. Then kept doing that job until they were fired, indicted or quit (mostly fired).


With the mental gymnastics evangelicals have already gone through to support him, turning back now would be admitting they got conned, and that seems like something they are incapable of.


Listen my children, and you shall hear,
Of the midnight ride of Tweeters far and near,
On the 5th of September in a year of hell,
Hardly a man in America does dwell,
Who can believe what he’s about to see and hear.

They said to their friends, “If the MAGAs march
By land or sea in Texas to-night,
Hang a lantern emoji aloft in a tweet,
Of your burner account, as a signal-light,—
One if by land, and two if by sea;
And I on the opposite shore will be,
With a camera phone to spread the alarm
Of the Battle of Lake Travis and the boats that were harmed,
For the Tweeters and Tik Tokkers to see and to laugh, and for someone to throw the Trumpers a raft.


It would be amazing if Goldberg was sitting on tapes, gave Trump a week to deny deny deny, then released the tapes.

Narrator: It still didn’t matter.

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