The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Are you actually smiting people down with your Herman Cain memes (which are deader than the guy in them fyi)?

Because let’s not (again) confuse the utility of some course of action to be taken with your personal feelings.

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Oh I wasn’t arguing, I went to his wikipedia and there’s one hit on the entire page for ‘Christ’, about him killing the Ghost of Christmas Past in some Seth MacFarlane cartoon.

man i just wish someone could come in the thread and condescendingly explain to all of us how we should live our lives


These idiots are convinced it’s a zinc cocktail. I was at a buddy’s house in March and they got a newsletter from the HOA saying that this virus has been around for decades and those that know this, know to take the zinc cocktail. It was written by some old retired doctor in the HOA.

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Let’s not ignore the utility of Herman Cain memes in staving off depression.


To some degree I agree with you, but the way I see it is more that people are making jokes, pointing out the ‘just’ nature of the illness and choosing not to think or care about his lived experience.

In that sense we choose not to care about suffering all the time. Right now there’s untold horror in the world and I’m sat drinking wine and wasting my life on the internet. If I am going to start emoting appropriately to awfulness in the world then it certainly won’t be for Donald Trump.

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We’re all monsters - I’m off to wrestle with my conscience.


Herman Cains official twitter account is literally tweeting today lol


A buffet of Boomers for Covid to feast on


Yeah it could easily be that. I have my zinc lozenges I take whenever I feel a twinge in my throat. I’m 99% sure they don’t help prevent or minimize infection. But it makes me feel like I’m doing something - which may actually help.


There’s no utility for the public good. But I’m not going to feel bad about how I feel about what’s happening. These people flaunted expert health guidelines, they did so knowing it would harm the public, and the upside was personal political gain. Our side kept warning them, they kept it up.

I’m not going to feel bad about reacting to them getting a big dose of karma.


I think strategically it’ll be a big mistake and honestly there is nothing we can do to stop it. But dems dancing to his death and celebrating is very likely to lose us a ton of moderates who recently jumped ship to Biden because how awful he is. They will be more than happy to go back to Pence because he isn’t as awful as Trump.

So yeah dancing in the streets is totally justified and fine, but its gonna cost us a ton of votes and maybe lose us the senate majority and the election. Right now Bidens huge lead is moderate Republicans jumping ship, that all goes away with Pence plus liberals dancing in the streets.

Most people won’t know any better, but you should. Dance privately and celebrate in your own home and don’t give right wing media ammunition to steal all those votes we just gained back please.



I mean my moms permanently on 4/ml of oxygen because severe COPD and she talks just fine as long as she isn’t pushing herself physically too much.

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this is the socialist angle. you could have literally every democrat in washington ripping their shirts and agony going princess d all over Walter Reed and Fox would still lead with breaking news a random twitter account used an emoji.

they will try to spin trump getting sick in some way, cause the alternative is ‘welp, please be nice to us when you win’.


I think there a lot of people who only vote to vote for Trump. Trump energizes them. It’s a trump cult not a Pence cult.


The smartest alt-right propaganda troll on Chiefsplanet made a thread about the left celebrating less than 10 minutes after the news broke. So he sure seems to think it’s a winning issue for his side - FWIW. It should always give one pause when your enemy wants the same thing you do.

The thread still going strong but mostly the lefties pointing out the pure hypocrisy of it. So it may have backfired on him a bit.

They’d go back to Pence anyway, and Biden will condemn all of us aggressively. He’ll call us a disgrace or something.

They’ll find one Twitter account and blame the whole left for it. It’s the same as not nominating a socialist because they’ll cry socialism. They do it anyway.


I suppose there’s not a good place to stage protests outside of Walter Reed?