The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

“Trump has played up the seriousness of the virus.”

It is astonishing how little social distancing some of the most powerful people in government have been practicing. I guess at some point you just think you’re invincible.

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Geraldo going off about something, not sure what.

I was talking about Kissinger. I put Trump in a different category for the same reason you did. And I invoked the capital punishment analogy only for those who were opposed to it for reasons over and above the possibility of executing an innocent person.


Geraldo going off about people using this to stab Trump in the back.

Then comment retracted and I apologize. I misunderstood.

Also doesnt actually need to be vetted by the committee, that’s just precedent. McConnell can still move it to the floor. With that said, he’s losing floor votes as well.

Bongino talking about cytokein storms.

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CNN reporting Trump is having trouble breathing at Walter Reed. Kind of sounds like he could end up on a vent.


Haven’t watched Hannity in years, always watch Maddow. Amazing how much winging it the show involves. It’s semi-incoherent. It’s like watching Trump speak.

Do I have to spell it out? If there are people on those forums saying it than there are definitely moderates on the fence who feel that way. Also, even those places have lurkers that are in the middle and don’t speak out.


PragerU give fundraising commercial, including a guy who used to be an atheist and a black guy who used to dislike cops.

Probably True. It’s probably also the case that there is no way Collins or Murkowski would be the majority+1 vote against.

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I’m enjoying the baseball game. Don’t make me flip.


It is improbable that 300 lbs is anything close to normal for a six foot male in their mid 70s.


Anonymous WH sourcing, but it was on their chyron.


Carl Rove now on Hannity.

Next step would be hi flow oxygen (goes in the nose at like 60 lpm) or cpap (think Vader mask pushing air into your lungs). They won’t intubate early (that’s tube down the throat and breathing machine).

People who get intubated die at massive rates, the rest are never the same.

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