The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

It’s worse than that, Boris Johnston and Donald Trump + other extreme members of parties got through or near in other countries too, how do you think the general public reacts this time around after the Covid-19 is finally over…

Will America take the Scottish route and vote in a left-facing party? I doubt it… Joe’s got 4 years to make a difference before it emplodes again, republican party or not.


Yeah if they don’t at least nuke the filibuster and pass some good shit we’re in big trouble in 2024. Especially after the new supreme court rules a bunch of super fucked up anti voting pro gerrymandering shit.

Like yeah the supreme court is going to nuke the ACA so you HAVE to nuke the filibuster to try and replace it. Hopefully that will be enough to motivated these fucking old ghouls but I have my doubts now.

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I really hope there is a good excuse for why they haven’t done this until now, because if it’s just out of respecting norms after everything this president and republican party has done we’re super fucked and they aren’t nuking the filibuster.

If dems sweep in 2020 and don’t nuke the filibuster and get absolutely nothing done honestly the people saying we should let Trump win to burn it down might be right.



This is the person who actually made that. I hate it when people get all the attention for tweeting content they didn’t create without any attribution to the person who did.


Yeah been thinking about this a lot lately. I eye roll any time I read articles or have friends saying November 3 will usher in some progressive revolution. Migration and racism have never been more effective as dog whistles in wealthy countries.

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Watching news pundits stumble around the obvious fact that virtually all Trump supporters are extremely racist people is like watching a boomer trying to figure out how to rotate a PDF for four years straight.


And then there would be riots all over the country.

Checkmate, libturd.

Hey man, that malarky PDF stuff is just too hard!

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Damn Parscale is like Undertaker height

I mean the sentiment is stupid as fuck even if it were true. Does she think the party is weak right now? If she does then why the fuck do they continue fulfilling their agenda for their base??

Does he have a black eye in this photo or am I being nuts?:



Like it almost looks like he has a black eye that they tried to cover up with makeup and failed.
( twitter | raw text )

Does just LOLing count as responding to the bot?


Oh shit, not a compilation of polls. What are we to do?!

(I intentionally did not respond to the bots post. Please don’t ban me.)


This is crazy over-reaction. This is nothing more than Pelosi making a performative attempt to seem like the reasonable person in the room. This is a substance-free statement that’s attractive to people who believe that politicians can and should act together for the sake of the country.

It’s nothing more than a meaningless “thoughts and prayers” for the GOP.



Was there a single poll that had him winner?

Maybe he polled his kids? Even then I’m not so sure he’d win.