The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I wear those but if I don’t take them out at night I get eye crust in them or something and my contacts get foggy and uncomfortable. Unless traveling I never sleep with them in.

Onto happy thoughts… can we discuss what we do with this string of threads and / or Trumpbot if Trump loses?

I never even thought about it before but the new thread start sparked something. Do we have an end date to the trump thread if he losses? If so when? Election night? Inauguration Day? His death day? Never?

Also what about Trumpbot? Should we have a party decommissioning it if Trunp loses? These are some of the important issues we have to hash out in this thread before November.

I had pinkeye-like symptoms that were unbearable last year and used this product for relief:

It was pretty much the only thing that helped.

My 96 yo step father in law has to get shots in his eyeballs and reads with glasses something like this

images (1)


yeah, honestly, it’s the stuff that builds up on my lids and lashes that is making this really suck because it dries and then pulls at the skin, so it’s all red and raw around my eyes. I’ll send my husband to look for that tomorrow.

Trumpbot is fucking gone if Trump loses. All hail Biden bot. If we want, we can give Trumpbot his own thread (why?).


Amazon has next day delivery on it in my area (probably in yours too) if your local drug store doesn’t have it. I was in near agony and the wipes gave me instant relief. It comes as a foam in a pump bottle too, but the leave on formula feels much better imo.

I’m 46 and got Laisik about 5 years ago. Highly, highly recommended if you’re a candidate. I was angry for awhile for not doing it way sooner.

I’m turning 37 in a couple of months and still don’t need reading glasses yet.

ETA: no time machine, turning 47 in a couple of months.

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Glad we got a new LC thread


It is pretty funny though. She walks past everyone and makes a point to say hi to the other person banging Trump.

I think an intelligent person would learn that the cameras are always on her and not get caught being a fucking shallow human more than once.


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Send Trumpbot to Exiled Politics imo.

Is there any way to unleash it on P&S?


How do we even know that time is real?


Damn, that must have been some good Lasik! Really turned back time for you!


Damn, I gotta get me some Lasik!

I’ve been wearing contacts for 40 years. Rarely had problems. I’m on bifocal lenses now. They work ok. Reading a lot can be a pain. Unlike micro, I can deal with occasionally having to use readers.

It’s probably a lot harder than a normal person thinks. Like not touching your face or you might die- I still have trouble with that.

" Unlike micro, I can deal with occasionally having to use readers"

It wasn’t that bad and I did it for a while, but my vision isn’t that bad and I don’t wear glasses inside unless I’m watching tv. Outside I wear them sometimes. I only really need them for driving.

The only problem for me is I have to be just a little uncomfortably close to computer screens, but computer screens were a bit of a problem with contacts too.

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This thread is going to just straight out become another LC thread if the Trumpbot doesn’t get in here.