The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)
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Holy hell. We’ve had almost no reporting on the camps this year.

Eta: Aw shit lol I forgot that had text. Just scrolling through the collection and saw Trump looking sweaty :)


This guy is about to get fired

We continue to be distracted, as we must, by the shiny object of Trump’s incompetence and criminality, like waves hitting the shore (sometimes violently), but there are more significant forces at work that will fundamentally reconfigure the landscape.

The most dramatic shift away from religion has taken place among the American public. From 1981 to 2007, the United States ranked as one of the world’s more religious countries, with religiosity levels changing very little. Since then, the United States has shown the largest move away from religion of any country for which we have data. Near the end of the initial period studied, Americans’ mean rating of the importance of God in their lives was 8.2 on a ten-point scale. In the most recent U.S. survey, from 2017, the figure had dropped to 4.6, an astonishingly sharp decline. For years, the United States had been the key case demonstrating that economic modernization need not produce secularization. By this measure, the United States now ranks as the 11th least religious country for which we have data.

The only reason Trump needs to cheat is that conservatism is losing. Even if he is able to eek out a win in 2020, which would be a disaster, it will not alter the fundamentals at work.


Several other factors beyond rising levels of economic and technological development help explain the waning of religion. In the United States, politics accounts for some of the decline. Since the 1990s, the Republican Party has sought to win support by adopting conservative Christian positions on same-sex marriage, abortion, and other cultural issues. But this political appeal to religious voters has had the corollary effect of pushing other voters, especially those who are young and culturally liberal, away from religion. It once was generally assumed that religious beliefs shaped political views, not the other way around. But recent evidence indicates that the causality can run the other way: panel studies have found that many people change their political views first and then become less religious.

The uncritical embrace of President Donald Trump—a leader who cannot be described as a paragon of Christian virtue—by many prominent evangelicals has led other evangelicals to fear that young people will desert their churches in droves, accelerating an ongoing trend.

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Or offered a promotion he can’t refuse
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I wonder if it would pass constitutional muster to declare anybody not wearing a mask a one-person riot and call in the National Guard.

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Donald needs his safe space

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Plus… lol

The latest figures include 40% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 43% who Strongly Disapprove


Yeah, and all I can say is no shit.


Open the gates of the white house and they can come protest on the lawn