Murder protestors = totally cool
Shoot police officers = summary execution
Murder protestors = totally cool
Shoot police officers = summary execution
Do you even Reuters, bro?
There Are No Good Questions?
Modern journalists wouldn’t even do this well. They’d write “Some critics say that Hitler has misled Poland about the intent of his peacemaking force in Warsaw, but the following unchalleged quotes from senior SS officials dispute that claim.”
Dewey defeats Truman?
Might be the only headline where a question mark would have worked out for the better.
How quickly would the potus be banned from UP?
Just askin’?
To Trump blue lives may matter. Facts don`t.
Hispanics, what do you have to lose?
I must have missed something. When did Trumpers start self-identifying as Trumpers?
lol literally ran on a platform of America not being Great
I think we have a pretty strong policy against Russian disinformation trolls, so pretty quickly.