The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

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I’m not sure the people who think 5g causes COVID are going to be receptive to government run high speed internet


Why should everyone else get WiFi for free when I’ve had to pay out of my own pocket for years?

Besides, I can expense WiFi through work, it’s not fair for my tax dollars to subsidize the rest of you freeloaders!


Just call it 6g.

Eh, this doesn’t speak to most voters, who take internet access for granted. And the rurals are not ever going to be reliable voters. On the other hand, this does introduce the groundbreaking idea that Democrats could actually tell voters how they will benefit from a Democratic administration instead of throwing up endless “Orange Man Bad!” ads, so I think it has some potential. Just introducing the Dems to the idea that they can run on self-interest is a great start.



six pack beer gut

Somewhat <1% attributable to the Woodward tapes so far, but that’s not nothing.

I prefer presidents who don’t get crucified.



Can we have a bot just post UP tweets on twitter whenever riverman replies to a tweet on the board?

Weiss and Beinoff are similar to Trump in that they are incompetents that failed their way to great heights.

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Buttttttt herrrrrrrr eeeeeeeeeeeeemailllllllllllllllz…

They could compromise national security!

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We could add banking and internet services to the post office. Not that I have thought through the logistics of this yet…

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Postal banking is another good idea. Dems often run on increase minimum wage because it’s popular. But it’s not the only specific, actionable thing that is popular. They should run less on lofty rhetoric and more on, “here’s the popular shit we’ll do if elected.”

Lofty rhetoric doesn’t motivate specific constituencies against you, but sometimes it’s better to throw comcast and wells fargo under the bus to blunt the populist appeal of generalized grievances. Like the net electoral gain of doing shit is actually bigger than the pain.

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Postal banking feels like you’d be 50 years behind. Are banking services in the USA so bad or inaccessible?

We used to have a postal bank here in the Netherlands, but they’ve been privatized long ago (it’s now ING bank) and I doubt anyone misses it. But that could be because banking is very accessible and you hardly ever need to actually visit a bank office anymore.