The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I mean if you’re saying both of them die, she’s not on the ballot so the main impact IMO is the GOP scrambling to get someone on the ballot. Total disarray, they lose badly imo.

Can she pull it? I’m not sure. @j8i3h289dn3x7?

Yes, I think.

Unfortunately I don’t think POTUS can fire the AG since it’s Senate confirmed, which circles back to the previous question not being absolute.

Heh you should see Twitter.

I mean he’s out there doing science denial, calling a deadly global pandemic a hoax, denigrating masks and flaunting that he doesn’t wear them.

He’s easily personally responsible for 30-40 times as many dead Americans as Osama bin Laden. How did you react when we killed bin Laden?


My first read is the Melania call is fake

I don’t think is correct. If the president publicly asks for a resignation there really isn’t any choice. They serve “at the pleasure of the president”.

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I’m not judging anyone individually, I’m not even judging. I wonder if I’m the only one that’s a little uneasy with the collective tone of it, and if I am, I’ve said my little piece, and I’ll be happy to zip it.


You’re right, that’s just the VP because they are elected.

Ever so slightly, but as Trump recently said, “It is what it is.”

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It was a tragedy when Hitler died too…


Melania call is old news, that was like a solid 90 minutes ago.


+1,000 :heart: @BestOf

I fixed the title to reflect the thoughtful tone we should be taking here, no rooting for death please


Ok fine, Donnie has my thoughts and prayers…


Best thread title yet.

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I can heart that with a clear conscience :smile:

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In other words, keeping pace with the last four years.

I vote for thread title to be

I don’t really care do you


Let’s say Donny does die from Covid(not happening). Does the world rejoice? What is the actual reaction to that?

Literally no one has done more to harm Covid responses here and worldwide.



I believe it’s:

I really don’t care, do u?

But I like the current one.