The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I don’t know how seriously congressional referrals to the FBI are taken, but I wouldn’t be feeling stoked or doing more criming if I were DeJoy after the court’s decision.



Who is funding these lawsuits on behalf of dems? Probably the DNC, which no one should support, right?

I like polls likely even more than the median poster here, but can we please keep them in the POTUSBOWL and Congress threads to avoid redundancy?


The reason why we get hit with the Lol lawbros schtick isn’t because the courts don’t rule against Trump. They do. A lot. The problem is that, even when they do, the rulings come down so late and the enforcement mechanisms behind them are so weak, that significant damage has been done and cannot be undone by the ruling.

  • How many changes did Trump get to make to the Muslim ban before he finally found a version that passed muster? Did anyone in his administration suffer significant consequences for drafting the unconstitutional versions or were they basically on a freeroll?

  • Are hundreds of sorting machines going to be reinstalled before the election? Are people going to be compensated for the consequences of late checks, medicine, and food?

  • Has Congress or the NYAG gotten the Trump tax returns yet? Did I miss some Congressional testimony from Don McGahn?

I get the inclination to point to rulings as signs that the rule of law is still working, but, at some point it’s also necessary to look beyond the formalism and realize that, even when the rulings are going against him, the resolution is so slow, and this administration is so brazen, that a couple of bench slaps aren’t actually preventing or repairing the harm.


Pre-COVID, a generic Democrat was still a favorite against Trump. What coronavirus has done is put control of the Senate into play.


No point in playing this game, really, but the race likely would have tightened and been a huge sweat without COVID. With the pandemic and a competent federal response he would have been tough to beat.

Just as there is a floor to how low Trump will go in the polls no matter how badly he screws up the COVID response, there is a ceiling to how high he can reach even with a great response. He would always be one major fuck-up away from losing.


I agree with that.



While this is true, polling before Covid was like Biden +2 with some polls Trump leading. Built in electoral advantage, and cheating, Trump was a huge favorite. The only other thing that could have fucked him up was a market crash that stayed crashed until after the election.

Only shit affecting old white people could have hurt him in the election

Don’t forget that Jared, his wife, his kids, all their friend, etc live in NY. He’s saying that he doesn’t care if all their neighbors die from Covid because he’s so rich that he’s isolated from real world problems. This is straight up guillotine stuff.

This is very amusing but don’t forget that half of Americans have been brainwashed into thinking this is an argument in favor of Trump. All those “qualifications” just prove that Egghead on the left is a deep state liberal elite that wants to tell you how to live your life. Donnie Dumb Dumb is a Real American who will use his obvious common sense and proven track record of business acumen to cut through all the BS like data and science and get to the real heart of the matter.


Nate put up a Senate model. Dems slight favorite. Hooooldddd.

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While there were a handful of polls that Trump, I think Biden usually had a healthy margin most polls. I recall that pre-COVID polls on hypothetical matchups didn’t see that much difference between how most Dems would do against Trump.

The important thing is that even back then Biden was hitting 50% or more in a decent number of polls. It’s going to be hard for Trump to overcome that. There are fewer undecided voters in 2020 than 2016. Late deciding voters are going to break more favorably for Democrats in 2020 than they did in 2016.

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