The NFL Thread 2: 1. TRef Swift

Why no tall men?


The NFL in a nutshell. Reed nearly decapitated the dude and it was obviously deliberate. Donā€™t care, not a (white) QB.

Drew Magary article about all the playoff teams.

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Surprised they didnā€™t fine Demar for delaying the game for so long

This QB is awful. They get smoked against any competent defense.

Seattle should be running all the clock here.


Wtf I didnā€™t say give up.



I actually still mostly watch SNL and never saw that one. Not bad.

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Pretty interesting tiktok explaining the history of the football helmet.

I feel like weā€™re a few years away from the big padded helmets like they wear in the practice now.

Right wing pundits will go bananas about the wussification of America, just like they did with extending baseball nets.

It will look weird for a bit, then everyone will get used to it, and weā€™ll move on to the next thing thatā€™s destroying masculinity from within and taking down society with it.

Odds Staley gets fired?

Should be safe but obviously easy to get an itchy trigger finger.

Chargers owner is pretty stingy. Heā€™d be paying Staley for 2 more years.

Same reason Mark Davis canā€™t fire McDaniels.

For the record I still think Staley is a better coach than McDaniels. But playing his starters last week is a real head-scratcher.

Also great job snapping with 10-12 seconds left all second half in 17 or 10 or whatever

These dudes never learn.

I heard guys bitching about this last week at a poker table, after they were done discussing covid being fake and trans women being the biggest threat to the world. It shocked me how much they cared about the nets. When the nets were extended, my first and only thought was ā€œyea that makes a lot of senseā€, and then I never spent another second caring about it. Not real Americans though. They care deeply about the wussification of murrica.

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