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Formatting with Markdown, part 1 - Basics

You can format your posts with Markdown, which is a bit different than the BBCode you might be used to (you can still use most BBCode too).

Bold, Italics, Strikethrough

If you type this: - You will get this:
**Bold** - Bold
*Italics* - Italics
***Bold & Italics*** - Bold & Italics
~~Strikethrough~~ - Strikethrough

You cannot have any spaces between the markdown symbols and their adjacent letters. Typing ** bold** or ~~strike ~~ won’t work.

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Type this
> This is a blockquote

To get this:

This is a blockquote

You need to hit Enter/Return twice to get out of a block quote.

Type this:

> First line
Second line is still in the quote

To get this:

First line
Second line is still in the quote


Type this:

> First line

Second line is outside the quote

To get this:

First line

Second line is outside the quote

Type this:

> Blockquotes can be nested
>> inside one another
>>> if you want to do that

To get this:

Blockquotes can be nested

inside one another

if you want to do that

Type this:

> You can have a blockquote with multiple paragraphs.
> This is the second paragraph.

To get this:

You can have a blockquote with multiple paragraphs.

This is the second paragraph

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Type this:

- List item 
- Another list item
- The final list item

To get this:

  • List item
  • Another list item
  • The final list item

Numbered lists are created just by typing them. Use four spaces to indent a nested list.

  1. First item
  2. Second item
    1. First nested item
    2. Second nested item
  3. Third item

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Escaping Characters

You can escape most special markdown characters with a backslash.

Type this:

To get this:

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Formatting with Markdown, part 2 - Code

The markdown for code can also be used for any pre-formatted text, including all your finest ASCII art.

Inline Code

Type this (those are back ticks, not single quotes):

Sample text `some code` more text.

To get this:

Sample text some code more text.

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Code Blocks

Triple ticks can be used to start and end a block of code.

Type this:

for each pseudo-code {
    do function;

To get this:

for each pseudo-code {
    do function;

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Code Highlighters

Many languages will be auto-detected. You can also specify a particular one to override the default.

Typing this highlights the PHP, but not the HTML:

    <h3>A Title</h3>
        if ( $suck == TRUE  ) {
            echo "you suck";
        } else {
            echo "no suck";

Like this:

    <h3>A Title</h3>
        if ( $suck == TRUE  ) {
            echo "you suck";
        } else {
            echo "no suck";

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