The Great Resignation: Remote workplaces and the future of work


Your car’s internal combustion engine is also responsible for one of the leading sources of radiation you receive in your lifetime

Fortune mag with hope, or cope?

no wonder all these banks are going down!

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Nobody wants to work anymore!

No one ever played golf at 3pm Thursday before COVID.

Not the uppity workers, anyway.

The execs were doing business on the golf course. The golf was just incidental.

Remember that infographic a while back about how CEOs “work” 80 hours a week but then the breakdown included stuff like going to the gym? Lol.


I do feel CEO are always ON

They aren’t tarring blacktop in the sun 80 hours a week but they are probably doing stuff most of their days

Probably similar to a college football head coach or pro head coach. Just always working on something

Still think articles like that are lol

I knew I wanted nothing to do with senior management at bigger companies when I was getting involved in meetings at times and they would schedule 7pm Friday meetings or just random Saturday/Sunday shit and act like it’s normal. Or they’d be like “Well, my daughter gets married Friday night and my wife is having open heart surgery Saturday at 2pm so lets do Saturday morning 8am.” Fuck. That. It’s one thing if we occasionally need to work nights/weekends due to a major project issue or something, but can we at least act like it’s just not normal business please? I asked for a demotion out of management real fast.

My company is now going to start tracking our badges and making us come into work Tuesday through Thursday. RIP. One of my employees is our only person in our other office, so fucking stupid. CEO is one of those morons that thinks he needs to watch you work to see things being done


One thing I heard about some of these companies tracking badges is they aren’t actually paying much attention to the time component and just simpy count the total number of swipes by employee during a specific time frame. So if you do go in the office, make sure to swipe 3-4x more than you normally would. YMMV of course

From the phrasing they are unique days swiped, but good idea. Unfortunately my company is pretty smart about their big brother practices.


I know my company tracks “unique” visits to the office daily. We are counting 1 or 1,000 swipes in day as “1 day at the office”.

So far we are finding 40% of the people are going in at least one day a month.

My university was really big on working in the office before Covid. We could generally get one wfh day every two weeks, and we had to make up a BS reason for it that made me die a little inside every time.

Since Covid, not a peep about trying to make us come back.

We are trying to encourage people to come back, voluntarily

We were at 16% attendance. Which is just under one day per week per person. Some a lot more, some less or none.

This is up from about 10% late last year

I think about 20 to 25% is about right, on a voluntary basis with lots of flexibility.

Agreed Joyce. Time to stop voting and start burning