The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

Moved post to other LC thread. :neutral_face:

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I remember way back in 1994, the receptionist where I worked took a Disney vacation with her husband and 2 kids. $7k for a week! That always stuck with me.

I took my family about a decade later, and didn’t come close to spending that much, so it’s possible to do it somewhat reasonably. Or was, anyway.

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We’re playing the points game well and getting great value on a redemption for the hotel, but park tickets are a killer. We will spend $3k just on tickets for 4 days. I’m sure the food is outrageous if you don’t plan ahead, though we plan to.

If you stay at the high end hotels, eat well and buy a bunch of shirts/hats/whatever, it would be horrifyingly easy to spend over $2k per day.

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Technically you could, but you sure don’t want to. Depending on where you stay you could conceivably spend a quarter of your waking hours on a bus.

It’s actually not too bad, and DisneyWorld has some kind of food plan that lets you prepay and get a discount although @j8i3h289dn3x7 might know whether it’s a really good deal or not.

The tickets are fucking bananas though, my wife and I used to get annual passes to Disneyland starting in 2010 when they were ~$300. We went for a single day last January and the tickets were $220 each.

I’ve made fun of a lot of things related to Ohio, but I can’t recall being this horrified before:


I hear it all over the place and it drives me bananas. My wife even said it recently.

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looks like Hicklandia + PNW (wtf Portland)

Mrs. Spidercrab plummeting in the power ratings. Hope your marriage survives this.

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I don’t recall ever hearing that in my life. (lived mostly in light-pink/white, but I went to HS on the border of dark purple)

For a few years of my adult life I lived in solid purple country. It’s like nails on a chalkboard.

We might need someone to confirm, but I think this is becoming more widespread with time. So 30+ yrs ago, it was very likely rare even in spidercrab’s neck of the woods.

I have never heard that in my life.

On the other hand, “on accident” is gaining ground.

It’s grammatically incorrect.

“My car needs to be fixed” is a proper sentence.


I don’t it.


It’s not just the beauty of the Queen’s English. The phrasing also makes the meaning ambiguous. Like, the needs were fixed? Or the car needs to be fixed? It’s a bit rude to say something that could be interpreted with opposite meanings.

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I feel like this is the perfect time for someone to give cassette the lecture on how language evolves, and if people keep saying something and everyone else keeps understanding it, then it becomes acceptable. Who wants to do it?

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Jokes, but nahfer now. That rights aren’t not a thing is indifferent to slides. Again try.

No imagies for “tank man”? Ok Bing.

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Yahoo Image Search has no results also.

You’d hate French, even I as an English speaker notice them shoving articles in front of stuff that clearly doesn’t need it.

E.g. La France. Oh, you mean that France and not another one, do you? I had no idea!

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