The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting


The thing under it isn’t bad either.

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11% for good service. No smile, no tip.

What is “evangelical over the age of 60”

Just came across the term “swypo” for the first time today to describe a swiping typo. Absolutely perfect word to describe something that I experience infinity times a day, including several times on this post.

A+ naming, swypo name inventor. You’re a real American hero.


Putting this conversation in the LC thread where it belongs:

This is a very nice rule. But the problem is that it’s not complete. It definitely identifies barbers, but I’m not sure it’s perfect at identifying non-barbers. There are lots of non-stylists that I would consider crappy barbers that neither wash your hair nor use a razor and hot lather.

Nonetheless, next time I get into a debate about whether someone is a barber or hair stylist, I’m definitely going to have this criterion in my back pocket and be prepared to use it.

Scalding hot take.

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And wrong. Scissors on top, clippers for sides and back for me.

I go to a barber because they’re the only ones who know what to do with beards. Guy I go to has a beard down to his gut. That’s how I know that he can handle my much shorter one.

Dunno, I almost never use dictation so it’s not high on my list of annoyances. If you find out, though, definitely keep this thread updated.

I also want to point out that googling “swypo” will give you an unholy page of results talking about “sex with your pants on”. So maybe just don’t go down that path.

I just tried to swipe ‘swypo’ on my phone. No prizes for guessing what happened.

I use dictation a LOT and it is absolutely infuriating how shit the technology is (at least on iphone 12). There are some common words it absolutely cannot get. I can’t think of any off the top of my head though. I speak very clearly and without an accent, and ever since they did some update a while back to try to detect accents, it’s been horrible.

At least they made the voice calculation part on the phone’s CPU, instead of sending it out to some server and back like they used to do. That was such an awful design choice.

What does it mean to speak without an accent? Are you John Wayne? Sorry to bust your balls but that got a chuckle.

I guess my accent would be “american” with a tinge of california in there, but I mean, it’s mostly just dictionary pronunciations of words is what I meant. I’m sounding hard r’s when the word has one. I’m not doing a crazy australian accent or trying to talk like arnold schwarzenegger.

I get what you’re saying it’s just “I am the default” sounds a tad racist.

idk how else to state that I speak in a way that should not possibly be confusing for a speech processor to interpret

For the past 3 times I’ve grilled something, I’ve been playing this game of roulette - does my propane tank have enough gas in it to finish? The gauge:

is completely ambiguous, and the red line has now been sitting at the lowest level for the past 3 grills. Each time, I’m tempted to switch out the tank before starting, because I know how irate I’m going to be if the tank dies mid-cook. But I also know that switching out like that means I’m going to be tossing out anywhere between 0-50% of a tank, because I have absolutely no idea how much is left.

Is problem.

Very enrauging.

Why do @Lawnmower_Man and @smrk4 have the same avatar? What even is that thing? It looks like something you’d find in the day-old bin at Gollum’s bakery.

You will not find it there.

Is it the top of Trumps head from behind, after his wig fell off?