The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I would make a joke here but it would be in poor taste.

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go for it, mayne! let us live a little




I don’t care about @Narrator

Inject this shit directly into my veins.

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Actually lol’d


He’s probably still waiting to get approved.

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One would think that Dem candidates would come up with commercials this scathing but they clearly don’t have the creativity.

As much as Trump bitched about the MSM, he absolutely craved attention and validation from legacy TV media outlets. Doesn’t give a rip about Truth Social because he knows it’s just a few dozen sad losers on there. Man, imagine paying $5 a month to get Dear Leader’s tweets and he doesn’t even bother to post.

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Huge if true

Oh man, they’re not playing around anymore; they’ve stepped up from asking nicely to issuing subpoenas they can’t enforce!

We got him ?

Just saw something that says any subpoenas at this point can run out the election clock. Unless the Ds somehow hold onto the house, they are moot.

Fuck Bill Barr and the slow as fuck horse he rode in on 16 months later. This motherfucker is going to whitewash his legacy yet again, and get a third act carrying water for another fascist Republican, isn’t he?

I bet we see a lot more subpoenas now that they can’t actually enforce them.

It doesn’t even matter if Dems hold the house. Hope Hicks told them to go pound sand after she got subpoena’d and they haven’t done a damn thing. The Sergeant at Arms isn’t going to come kick down Guilfoyle’s door and arrest her.

At this point, the next R president is more likely to arrest him than they are to employ him.


Biden will nominate him to the Supreme Court in 2023 and the Republican Senate will still complain he’s too liberal and block him

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