The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!


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No, itā€™s just that Trump is a little bitch who rolls over whenever heā€™s actually threatened. Kanye could legitimately take his MAGA crown away and he knows it.

Kanye already ran for Pres in 2020 and got no support. He made it on the ballot in 12 states and his best showing was 10k votes in Tennessee. Idk Trumpā€™s reasoning here, seems like a good time for his ā€œfailing loserā€ routine, but I very much doubt itā€™s because he feels threatened by Kanye.


Axios reported that Trump appeared impressed by Fuentes, citing an unnamed source. At one point during their visit, Trump told Ye, ā€œI really like this guy. He gets me,ā€ the source told Axios.



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Huge if true

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lol Fuentes gonna snatch that VP slot right from Ye.



They say I hosted one of Americaā€™s most prominent neo nazis. [strikethrough]I denounce the neonazi movement.[/strikethrough] I didnā€™t even know he was going to be there!


I think Iā€™m officially retracting my long-held belief that heā€™ll stomp DeSantis. The fastball is gone, he knows it, and heā€™s stuck on Truth Social yelling at clouds. Maybe he turns it around, but right now I feel him fading away. I still think there are a lot of deplorables that simply wonā€™t show up if heā€™s not on the ticket.

I still believe. But itā€™s getting lonely out here with everyone jumping ship.

How is he stuck? He can tweet if he wants to. Heā€™s just waiting for Musk to slurp him good before he comes back.

He can afford to fade a bit. Heā€™s the king for now. I guess if he doesnā€™t win, next best case would be him claiming Ronnie rigged it and going scorched Earth against him. Gonna love the derpers twisting themselves into knots over that. But only for a little while. Because if DeSantis actually wins the nom, then Dank Brandon is done.

I still think DeSantis is getting too much credit based on media fawning and policy stunts, and that he actually will have to demonstrate some modicum of charisma to win the nom. Iā€™m not convinced he has it.


Boy Milo Yiannopolis really misplayed his hand. He could have been the one having dinner with Trump instead of Fuentes if he hadnā€™t blown up his own spot with self-destructive bullshit.


I think Ronnie has the kind of charisma that plays well with deplorables. I think itā€™s repulsive to us, but thatā€™s not what counts.

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Right. Performative cruelty.


He won by 20 points in Florida. I know that we joke that FL is a red state now but itā€™s not that red.

Weā€™ll see. Local popularity doesnā€™t always translate.

I donā€™t dispute this, but no obvious examples jump to mind. Do you have any?

Chris Christi was popular in NJ.

Christi was a moderate Northeast Republican. Desantis is a real-deal own the libs maga conservative.