The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I’d really appreciate it. I’m always willing to be educated. But am I wrong to surmise that criminal prosecutions aren’t supposed to be steeped in politics? It feels like people know what I’m trying to say and that my views on this are correct, but are just playing “gotcha” with word play


I think we would all prefer a judicial system that was completely impartial. That just isn’t the world we live in unfortunately. It is highly partial in lots of ways.

Even Trump not getting prosecuted is because he gets to largely live above the law in ways normal citizens don’t. He is the opposite of being politically persecuted.

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Oh, there’s no question there are tons of shit judges. I’m just saying you don’t indict somebody because you belong to any one political party. You indict them because they’re a criminal

The Garland decision is lolterrible. If tomorrow some random defendant in a drug case announces he is running for President as a Republican, does he also get a special prosecutor?


Even outside of politics

Rich and middle class white people don’t go to jail

Black and poor people do

Serial season 3 is a good podcast on this.


In theory they would not be, but they clearly are when they are:

  1. Carried out by political appointees or their subordinates

  2. Ranted about on Twitter by the subject, who brings politics into it and places it front and center.

  3. Ranted about by politicians in Congress.

  4. Ranted about on cable news in a partisan way.

This, plus the fact that the criminal activity itself is steeped in politics, so every prosecution action (or non-action) is going to be thought of as a political act.


This is true and something I haven’t given enough thought to

Brazil continues to deal with this shit 100x better than we have:


Supposedly, a numbers of prosecutors in the Manhattan D.A.’s Office quit their jobs because they felt I was being treated so unfairly, that this was not a case that should ever have been brought. I agree!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

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Many are saying

( truth (lol) | raw text )


Zero is a number.

Weird. Haven’t seen that alert come across my desk sir.

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this is awesome, and it makes me wanna sell drugs to try it :joy:


But is it a numbers?

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This is a great, easy way to get an overview of this shit (and to also piss yourself off on a regular basis)

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Or Mueller?