The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Do they?


He says he’s going to demand one day elections, voter ID, no vote by mail, and only paper ballots. Must be counted by election night with no machines.

What a fucking idiot.

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He’s going with… National Greatness Agenda.

Without even looking it up, I’m going to guess there was a similar phrase used by the Nazis, right?

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God I’ve grown so much as a person. Zero seconds watched.


He’s busting out Eric now. FOX cuts him off again, for like the third time.

I can’t resist waiting to hear him trash DeSantis.

Jeez is he going to point out his African American next?

What if he’s so damaged and disgraced that he’s going to make DeSantis look presidential?

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If he wins, we’re going to plant our flag on Mars!

Prepare for 2 years of “Make America Great Again,” because he couldn’t come up with anything better.

Sam and Dave being disgraced.

LMAO Melania ripped her hand away and walked away and left him on the stage.

Me too. Have him on ignore here too and plan on going this whole two years never reading or hearing a word he says.

For all intents and purposes he is dead already.

That’s the one thing that will work against him. He has no new schtick. People will continue to tire of his antics, at least a not insubstantial percentage.

And there’s DeSantis standing there, arms wide open, to welcome all suburban GOP who just want a return to the good old days of dog whistles and STONKS. Easy game.


It’s fucking Groundhog Day. Dems could use a new face as well. It’s ridiculous.


honestly shocked she hasnt given him a Gisele style ultimatum, theres no chance she wants to be first lady again

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(video TRUTH)

( truth (lol) | raw text )

Yeah, but the real deplorables are sticking with daddy. I think they’re screwed.

That’s not how it works. He offers her an extension on their deal and she gives a counter-offer increasing her rate and decreasing the number of times she has to sex with him per year.