The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

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The Great People of Utah have a gem in Mike Lee. He will never let you down, whereas his opponent, McMuffin, will only let you down. Mike has long had my Complete and Total Endorsement, and even more strongly now!

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Let him rave on, so that men shall know him mad.


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Happy Birthday to the Great Gary Player—more Winner of Tournaments worldwide than anyone else. In my opinion, Number 3 in Golf History, all-time!

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He’s just showing his passion. It’s only rage when browns or women or commies do it!

Is there any point where social media companies can be held liable for harm and damages caused by the propagating of lies, conspiracy theories, and incitement to violence? It would be nice if they had huge legal and financial exposure, but I guess they have none? Alex Jones had to pay, but not his show?

The law doesn’t generally support going after the tech company.

As you say, Alex Jones was sued. But that was for defamation, a legal concept that predates social media.

I’d go even further and include MSM responsible as well. Wtf is the FCC for? Fox News has done irreparable damage to the country

A repeal of section 230 would absolutely be the end of UP.

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