The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!



Lolol not even charged

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I used to be envious of people who could twirl a pen or pencil around with their fingers. I practiced and watched videos and stuff but never got good at it. Props to Putin and Trump if they can do that.

no chance they could twirl a pen. i would bet my bankroll on it

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i can dance a quarter around my fingers like the devil himself, come at me

Some years ago, I snatched a stack of 40 pennies off my elbow. Working hard. Thank you!


Ha, my brother and I used to do that as kids after we saw it on, I think, Happy Days. Just gotta be sure to face away from anything breakable or anyone you don’t want to get hurt.

Give Truth Social a lot of credit for the incredible win for President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil in making it into the run off for a new term, which will take place against a Radical Left lunatic on October 30th. My Endorsement of him was done exclusively on Truth, and it had a spectacular impact for a spectacular man, and President. Vote Bolsonaro!!!

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Off topic but where does a latte cost $7?!

I thought Truth wasn’t available outside of the US, is that just Europe?

I can see the text of the tweets but not the website or any of the videos/pics Trump posts on website or not.

Here’s a place where a 16 oz. latte costs you $7.50.

So much FAKE talk about the Government’s Document Hoax Case against me, and the Unwarranted, Unnecessary, and possibly Illegal Raid on Mar-a-Lago, a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment. There were no leaks until the documents were given, and now the FBI seems unable, according to reports, to count what they have, a mess. This is not a criminal case, and wasn’t for Obama, Bill Clinton, Bush I, Bush II, or even for Crooked’s deleting 33,000 Emails AFTER getting a Subpoena. Read “Socks Case."

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I couldn’t shuffle chips or even count them out very well so I’ll give that to you.

I usually at least try to figure out wtf he’s talking about so I did my own research. I was hoping it was about Socks the cat, but alas.

Apparently Bill Clinton kept some audio recordings in his sock drawer. There was some dispute about whether these were public records or personal.

Trump apparently thinks this case determined that Presidents can just unilaterally decide what’s government property and what’s personal, but of course this is nonsense.

…Jackson’s ruling explicitly states that the Presidential Records Act distinguishes presidential records from ‘personal records,’ defined as documents that are ‘purely private or nonpublic character.’”

It’s obviously idiotic to think classified nuclear secrets could be “purely private”.

Aides who had worked in Donald Trump’s White House were not surprised this summer when the FBI found highly classified material in boxes at Mar-a-Lago, mixed with news clippings and other items.
They’d seen such haphazard collections before.
During his four years in office, Trump never strictly followed the rules and customs for handling sensitive government documents, according to 14 officials from his administration, most of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss what they called Trump’s mishandling of classified information.
He took transcripts of his calls with foreign leaders as well as photos and charts used in his intelligence briefings to his private residence with no explanation. He demanded that letters he exchanged with North Korean dictator Kim Jon Un be kept close at hand so he could show them off to visitors. Documents that would ordinarily be kept under lock and key mingled with piles of newspaper articles in Trump’s living quarters and in a dining room that he used as an informal office.

(image TRUTH)

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“Broken Border: Record fentanyl smuggling fuels 'cruel' opioid epidemic”

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“Tom Homan: If Trump Wins, Many ‘Patriots’ Want to Serve in DHS, ‘Secure This Border,’ ‘Shut It Down Once and For All’”

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“Breitbart Business Digest: Biden’s Economy Sees Worst First Half for Stocks Since 1872”

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