The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

This is good imo


That guy is saying pretty much exactly what Iā€™d say if pressed for a positive from Trumpā€™s presidency. The massive huge gigantic necessity though is that Congress actually DOES SOMETHING and enacts laws to prevent people like Trump from skating accountability by ignoring norms. A lot of rules Trump broke donā€™t even have any enforcement mechanisms or even recommendations, theyā€™re so LOL and dependent on ā€œrespectā€ or ā€œhaving shameā€ or whatever. Similarly the J6 committee will likely have all sorts of recommendations in their final report for new laws to restrict people from blowing apart elections, but what happens then? Recommend shit all you want, you got to get that into laws, THEN you have to deal with RWNJ judges. Good luck USA.

Weā€™ve been saying that for years here and you made fun of us. Outside corners of the Internet like this one, nobody cares.


Ice cold take

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lol - thatā€™s a Turkish state-run ā€œnewsā€ site

Congratulations to President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro on greatly ā€œoutperformingā€ inaccurate early Fake News Media polls & getting into a two person runoff, to take place October 30th, with a Radical Left challenger. Now that other Conservatives are out of the race, President Bolsonaro is in a very strong position to win BIG. More importantly, he will be victorious because the wonderful people of Brazil appreciate the great job he has done, and is doing. Tremendous Voter Surge over last 24 hours!

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Iā€™ll be coming around if something isnā€™t done soon after the midterms. Itā€™s crazy to me that no action has been taken to this point and I think that guyā€™s commentary is spot on. Even if/when they DO criminally indict, reforms are clearly needed

The whole Trump debacle also serves as another clear example of how there are two distinct different justice systems in this country depending on whether youā€™re rich, powerful and white, or not

Itā€™s good to see your views on the justice system changing. Has this changed your views at all about the justness of using lethal force against people committing property crimes?

Iā€™ve always been extremely critical of our justice system and police. However, Iā€™m also a believer in our individual rights to protect ourselves and defend against crime too. I fail to see why it has to be mutually exclusive. Why one canā€™t abhor and be against current police and judicial practices while still believing in the right to defend life, safety, and property?

I understand that many feel inanimate objects arenā€™t worth a life. And even while I agree with that sentiment, I donā€™t fault those who donā€™t. Again, my basic motto is donā€™t tread on me. The party that initiates violence and destruction against the innocent doesnā€™t get to choose what method is used to stop them.

This is a derailment of this thread, but feel free to post in whatever Cactus containment there is and change my mind

I think this is one of those things that is fine in the abstract but breaks down the more you examine reality objectively. It is an important insight to recognize that many of the abhorrent police and judicial practices arise specifically from structural defense of the life, safety, and property of the well off while sacrificing the life, safety, and property of the powerless. So what is often framed as Good Guy vs. Bad Guy in the abstract breaks down the application of inequities in practice. I donā€™t really fault you for your belief system and I think that there are valid arguments to have about ā€œjustifiableā€ violence on a case by base basis. But IMO there are clear slippery slopes on both sides - if violence is never justified the self defense is never justified, but if violence in protection of property is always justified then taking a life to defend your Pumpkin Spice Latte is justified. Neither of those outcomes make much sense to me and there is plenty or theoretical and practical benefits to believing in proportionality.


I agree with most of this wholeheartedly except youā€™ll need to point out specifically this particular problem with my logicā€¦ If one gets killed in the process of stealing someoneā€™s spiced latte, I view that as on them. They created the situation that got them killed

Now if someone steals food because they are victims of an abhorrently unjust system that keeps them poor and underpaid, we can talk. In fact, Iā€™d go so far as to say there shouldnā€™t be any punitive action at all. Stealing from a private individual is different than stealing from a store. And as I type this, I can see the hole in my logic. So can I say stealing from a ā€œpublicly ownedā€ concern is different than stealing private property? Does that make me any more logically consistent? This is definitely something I need to put more thought into

So happy to have helped a great person and leader get into the difficult to achieve, with other Conservative candidates and certain difficult rules and regulations, run off for President of Brazil. The Voters made a great decision in giving such strong backing to the brilliant and very hard working current President, Jair Bolsonaro. Now, for the sake of Brazil and its future greatness, they have to get Jair over the finish line, against a Radical Left Socialist, on October 30th. Go Bolsonaro!!!

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This is where the concept of proportionality comes in. You can view it as illogical and thatā€™s fine, but in practice it comes up all the time. Even the idea of just having varying legal penalties for different crimes is pretty widely accepted and, as I said, you run into some pretty ugly slippery slopes in real life if you take an absolutist approach on either end of this spectrum.

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ā€œā€˜Superman & Batman, rolled into oneā€™: Trump catches MAGA hat and pen like a boss, breaks internetā€

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I think this is where Iā€™m mostly misunderstood. Iā€™m not saying I agree that killing someone over a spiced latte or property is an appropriate or proportional response/punishment. Iā€™m saying I place at least equal blame on the person who encroached on the innocent party

Idk, it was instilled in me at an early age to never under estimate who youā€™re fucking with or what someone else might be going thru, or capable of, or what their state of mind is. Itā€™s why I avoid road rage incidents and mind my own business whenever possible. Maybe their life savings just got stolen or their dog just got run over and stealing that latte provoked them over the edge. Minding your own business and leaving others alone avoids the necessity for discussion

thereā€™s a long running motif that russian tv does with putin, where they show him catching a pen that almost rolled off the table, and fawning over his reflexes, etc. it may have picked up when he stopped playing hockey so often. itā€™s super fucking sad, but apparently works on the olds.