The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

We all know you looked.

Should we wait until after the next election to tell Maggie that sources tell us her new name is Maggot? Or should we tell her right away?

Pro move: save it for the book.


Wait, Trump seriously held a rally in Michigan during a Michigan game, a week after holding a rally in Ohio during an Ohio State game, which was understandably poorly attended and had him lashing out about crowd size?

Serves me right, I suppose, but I try not to read the bot too closely.

I know we all dislike Maggie. But a woman being called a maggot by a rich powerful man just for being an author and a journalist is pretty messed up.

yeah you don’t have to think one is good because the other is bad. they can both be bad.


I mean, I think it’s more complicated than this. A lot of trumpers flopped conservative to support him. A huge part of his base aren’t “conservatives” in any traditional sense, they’re just really fucking racist and nationalist.


You can’t give the death penalty to drug dealers, simply for being drug dealers. Treason though?

Charge him assholes

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BRAZIL, VOTE FOR JAIR BOLSONARO: There is a VERY BIG Election taking place tomorrow, one of Worldwide importance. A great and highly respected man, Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro, is up for re-election, and based on all that he has done, and all that he is doing for the wonderful people of his beloved country, everyone should enthusiastically go out and VOTE for him. Jair Bolsonaro has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will never let you down!

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Truly disgraceful

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Support Bolsonaro for his Glenn Greenwald policy.

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