The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

we almost charged trump jr with a minor crime but Mueller chose not to because why would you


wait, they didn’t charge him because he didn’t start it? what does that have to do with anything

i wonder how fully cooperating with the special counsel would have ended for trump and family. threatening to burn down the country genius 4d chess strategic maneuver, and all it did was destroy the reputation of the legal profession. trump doesn’t care. mueller didn’t care either. cool.

They’re all republicans

Even the democrats are actually republicans

The end

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In the end, the Republicans were the Democrats we voted for along the way.


So, I’ve not been following the US much recently as there’s plenty of mad stuff here in the UK. But it seems like this Trump documents story ought to be at least slightly bad for him? Like, what possible defence is there when confidential documents are literally found at your house. Of course I’m aware that the words Trump and Consequences rarely appear in the same sentence, so hey.

I haven’t seen an explanation as to how the audit office actually gained access to Mar A Lago though. Seems unlikely they did so with Trump’s blessing? Can’t see him recognising a search warrant. Did they just blind side him and turn up when he want around or something?

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Did anyone from the National Archives go to Florida? Seems more likely they noticed that certain documents weren’t delivered to them and they fired off a letter to Trump’s lawyers and asked nicely: “Hey, where are the KJU love letters? You know those belong to us, right?” Maybe there was an implied or else, Idk.

I didn’t know a ‘C’ mark meant [documents] were confidential” has worked for others in the past.

A key problem is that the President has very wide authority to declassify whatever he wants. But the real complication is that there’s zero political will to hold him accountable for any of the crimes he’s been casually committing for the past six years.

Well we know what Trump thinks a C mark means.

People say that but there must be a threshold. Like Trump couldn’t just say “I hereby declassify every government document in existence.” Edit: Well ofc he could have said it. It wouldn’t have happened though.

“OK, any classified information contained in this truckful of boxes I’m about to steal is now declassified.” is not that far from that.

I think he could actually try that defense, tbh. Certainly his lawyers could spend years arguing if it’s even possible for a president to improperly handle classified material, and there’s no way the SCOTUS is going to rule against Trump.

The letters C, D, and F just magically transform to A at whatever schools he attended.


Yeah but that’s not what a C mark on a document means to him. I was referring to his and his dad’s old practices with tenant applications.

I was just trying to hijack your comment.

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It was the Archives that noticed records missing, and they explicitly let Trump’s people know the “or else” would be a strongly worded letter to Congress and/or the DOJ. It was reported that Trump kept the circle of people responsible for filling those 15 boxes pretty tight, so I wouldn’t expect anything significant or previously unknown was turned over. Just some light mishandling of top secret documents.

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It’s utterly bizarre watching you guys debate possible repercussions for Trump. It’s like watching religious scholars debate how many angels fit on the head of a pin.


You’re not reading very carefully.


are you watching this happen in your own mind?

i see like 50 posts in a row about how nothing will happen to him, and even the people who you think are debating each other are saying it???

i guess dutch101 asked a question 3 days ago and you came back to dunk on everyone because of it or something?

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Yes the sarcasm font is in use itt.