The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

He’s no Ray Lankford.

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Sandy Smith will be a fantastic Representative from the Great State of North Carolina's 1st Congressional District. I love North Carolina!

A successful business owner and proud military mother, Sandy will Strengthen our Military, Fight for our Vets, Promote School Choice, Defend our under siege Second Amendment, and Support our Country’s Great Farmers and Manufacturers. Importantly, she knows what to do against ever-spiraling Inflation—and she will do it…

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…Her opponent, Don Davis, is a Radical Left puppet of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. He believes in Open and Unchecked Borders, and doesn’t mind the fact that other Countries are dumping their prisoners into the United States of America. Davis refuses to fight the Out-of-Control Crime in our Cities, and strongly believes in Defunding our Police. He voted against the Parents’ Bill of Rights Act and is against, believe it or not, Voter ID…

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…Don Davis is a disaster for North Carolina and all that its Great People stand for!

Sandy Smith, on the other hand, will be a tremendous and proud Representative of the 1st Congressional District. She will never let you down and, for that reason, Sandy Smith has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

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When people ask, “What happened to Joe Manchin, why did he go off the rails?” The answer is very simple—Mitch McConnell forced his hand by saying that Manchin was weak and ineffective and that he, McConnell, had him totally under control. Manchin couldn’t stand for that and turned strongly, not against the Republicans, but against McConnell, who he has always despised. The fact is, Joe Manchin should have been brought into the Republican Party long ago…

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When people ask, “What happened to Joe Manchin, why did he go off the rails?” The answer is very simple—Mitch McConnell forced his hand by saying that Manchin was weak and ineffective and that he, McConnell, had him totally under control. Manchin couldn’t stand for that and turned strongly, not against the Republicans, but against McConnell, who he has always despised. The fact is, Joe Manchin should have been brought into the Republican Party long ago…

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…So sad for our Country that now we are wasting Trillions of Dollars on the Green New Deal Hoax, and other like disasters, that will lead to even higher inflation and ultimately, economic destruction. With all of that said, who the “hell” can blame Joe Manchin for doing what he did?

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What the “hell” is he talking about?




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Must be bean burrito night at Mar A Lago.


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