The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Oh ya forgot about him.

Even that was because he was foolish enough to think that the Fuck You Defense wouldnā€™t work, so he made a deal.


Manafort also. Although of course Trump pardoned him eventually.

I think at the beginning it was possible for consequences to occur but so much has changed in the last few years, especially with regard to the federal court system that itā€™s basically impossible now.

A lot of the underlings have/will go to jail, it doesnā€™t matter if the players at the top donā€™t get touched. DeSantis isnā€™t going to care if some of his friends wind up in jail, nothing will discourage him if Trump continues to go scott free.

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Paul Manafort, Rick Gates and George Papadopoulos all spent some time in jail too. Also, there was a dude named George Nader who was an advisor, but he got busted for non-Trump related stuff (child porn) so that might not count [other than showing that there are lots of scumbags in the Trump orbit]

Note, Iā€™m not bringing up this to make a, ā€œwell, actually, the Trump crew really has faced justiceā€ argument. More as a way of showing the scope of criming that was going on. Trump was pardoning folks like crazy, DOJ just let Flynn walk for basically no reason, and there were still enough crimes left over to put some folks behind bars.


I stand corrected. Amazing I forget those. Itā€™s all such a dreamlike blur.

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Didnā€™t Stone and Manafort briefly do time prior to release/pardon?

Stone did like a week or two in jail for a lifetime of corrupting American politics. Dude got his start doing dirty tricks back in the Nixon era and that was the only time heā€™s faced any kind of consequence.

Believe me. Iā€™ve had thoughts about running a MAGA prison.

Steve Bannon went to jail, and was just convicted for contempt of Congress so may be doing another short stint.

He seems to get off on it.

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Iā€™m obviously bad at remembering this all but are you sure he actually spent time in jail? I canā€™t find that.

Bannon didnā€™t get into legal jeopardy until long after he was ejected from Trumpā€™s circle. None of it matters if Trump and his family get away. There is nothing deterring DeSantis from trying to sabotage the election and stir up an insurrection if he loses.

You are correct, preemptive pardon before he was convicted.

( truth (lol) | raw text )

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See, the system works!

Bannon, Manafort, Rick Gates, Weisselberg, Papadopoulos, Stone, Flynn, George Nader, Elliott Broidy come to mind off hand. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more. Heā€™s literally the de facto leader of the criminal syndicate the GOP has become.


And the government has only charged the most obvious and egregious crimes

Iā€™m with Clovis on this one. When you put ā€œfaces jail timeā€ in the headline these days thatā€™s click bait journalistic malpractice.


ā€œExclusive ā€” Tom Homan: If Trump Wins, Many ā€˜Patriotsā€™ Want to Serve in DHS, ā€˜Secure This Border,ā€™ ā€˜Shut It Down Once and For Allā€™ā€

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Willing volunteers for the ā€œgazpachoā€