The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

….How about his tax on coal? The Republican Senate must do something about this absolute Loser, Mitch McConnell, who folds every time against the Democrats—and he’s only getting worse!

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Finally, some Republicans with great Courage! Rick Scott, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee are working hard to stop Chuck Schumer and his favorite Senator Mitch McConnell from ramming through a disastrous Continuing Resolution that would do nothing to Stop Inflation, Grow our Economy, or Restore the American Dream—it would only put Big Government First and give Manchin his terrible deal….

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Moar please

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….Instead, we need a LONG-TERM Continuing Resolution, so we can deal with the real Emergency at hand, the Radical Left’s destruction of America, and once again, put AMERICA First. McConnell is so bad!

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God I love it when he shits on Mitch


LOL at Hewitt egging him on, hoping for something juicy:

“What kind of problems, Mr. President?”

“I think they’d have big problems. BIG PROBLEMS.”


I think that’s the guy DOJ agreed was ok, fwiw.

LOLOLOL special master to conclude review by November 30 lolololololol

Sure is great some unqualified hag gets to essentially decide the future of this country.


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oh well, nevertheless


Not that most of us here fell for it but this pretty much forecloses anything ever happening with this. Regardless of what the report says there will be more delay which will work because of Trump judges and/or Garland being a spineless loser.

There is absolutely nothing stopping the DOJ from charging Trump on any number of criminal matters. They won’t do it. They enjoy the delay here also because it is 2-3 months of not having any heat on them for doing nothing.


Is this special master actually going to evaluate documents for “executive privilege”? I don’t even know how that works. This is going to drag on and on, nothing but wins for Trump with this nonsense.

The order the DOJ can’t use documents to investigate is not a thing. The judge just completely made it up. We do not have a functioning legal system.


I have a crazy idea - ignore the order. They’ll never do it but they should.

6 years in and these assholes still don’t get it

Lol this order isn’t getting overturned.

Don’t let lawlessness win in Ohio this November. Vote YES on Issue 1—“require courts to consider factors like public safety when setting the amount of bail.”

Protecting our Citizens and Communities, not Aiding and Abetting Criminals, should be our highest priority.

Issue 1 has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

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