The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!


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The real play is to get the Dems to convict and continue to claim the Trump vote without actually having to annoy the MAGA crowd.

LOL, come on

epstein trump


“Our federal government paid for Russian disinformation to frame the president of the United States (Donald J. Trump) for colluding with Russia.”

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Hollllly shit. How did these people have 200k+ to invest in the first place?


Love it

ha they are this close to figuring it out

The FBI was paying a big time Russian informant (Spy) all the way back to 2017, while at the SAME TIME they were accusing me of working with the Russians in the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax. In other words, they knew their case against me was, with all of the money and man hours spent, a Fraud!

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idk sounds bad

wait, what? like wtf is this?

like is he just spamming big crimes at this point? wtf ? if that’s true there is absolutely no way he can talk about it

we got him

This has been known for years. They admitted that openly long ago.

FBI’s longtime spies in Russia told them Trump was colluding as it was happening.

Which is proof Trump is innocent!

1450% LOL

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US politics is so dystopian (not that rest of the ‘democracies’ around the world are much better) and stuff like this always reminds me vividly of that point. The fact that governing political parties send out texts of the same quality as a Nigerian prince scam is insane.


We all know about Nigerian Prince scams because they are prevalent, and they are prevalent because they work.

The Trump Administration had, by far, the most secure, and likewise most humane, SOUTHERN BORDER in United States history. Our Remain in Mexico Policy, and much more, made it so. Now, just two years later, we have the least secure Border, with deaths at a level that is absolutely unthinkable!!! Millions of people are pouring into our Country, unchecked and unvetted. This is the Radical Left Democrat’s policy known as DESTROY AMERICA!

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He’s become even more unhinged.

Remain in Mexico was far more dangerous than Obama’s policy