The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Maybe you need a collar at those up tight golf places?

Reminds me of a scene in a movie, might have been The Man with one Red Shoe or maybe something else that had Ned Beatty in it, not sure, where the head of the CIA meets a guy on the golf course so they canā€™t be listened in on. Also lots of De Niro mobster movies where they do something similar. Anyway, this is Trump plotting more crimes, i.e. just another day.


Youā€™re all welcome for the $463 billion in student loan relief I just brought you by hard negotiating with JSTOR (ITHAKA) for $10,000 severance over my wrongful termination claim. If you donā€™t know what Iā€™m referring to here, see my Twitter.

My wife would agree. One of the first things she did when we got serious was throw all my polo shirts away.

This is real?

Why are these idiots pretending like he hasnā€™t already been all in on Q bs? Stop.


if thereā€™s a politically dumb thing to do for '22-24, like fully embrace qanon, i trust trmp to go full retard because he canā€™t control himself

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I hear they like him very much

Is it a bad thing to be standing against pedophiles and cannibals? You tell me.

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( truth (lol) | raw text )


eh, flawed joke IMO since the whole point of ā€œbutterfaceā€ is that it = ā€œbut her faceā€.


Honestly the real question is why Trump didnā€™t jump on the Q bandwagon earlier. What did he have to lose?

Well itā€™s very undignified to build your political branding around a internet conspiracy thread promulgated by both the mentally ill and thoroughly dishonest hucksters, and ā€¦

Actually I withdraw this comment


He didnā€™t have control over it. He still doesnā€™t but now heā€™s at a 100% level of spew, so fuck it.

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Another, ā€œI told you sooo.ā€ The Stock Market is now, on top of everything else, CRASHING!!! One of the worst seven days in history, one of the worst years in history - and it will only get worse. Wasteful Green New Deal, and other, SPENDING! Interest rates will have to go way up in order to combat record INFLATION. The Fed no longer has a choice. This was all self inflicted, no rhyme or reason. See what difference a Rigged Election can make? Like much else (Ukraine), should never have happened!!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

Glad to hear green new deal passed


Got him now. Lawtwitter says this could be irrefutable proof FPOTUS sold state secrets.


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You read this brief and itā€™s like ā€œholy shit this MFer is so fucking guilty,ā€ and it just doesnā€™t matter.

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I mean, thereā€™s a goddamn war with Russia going on, the meeting could be about that for all we know.

Also zero chance they tell McCarthy anything related to Trump