The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

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hahahaha amazing

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I double dare anyone who freaks out about people diagnosing Trump with NPD to explain this piece of shit retweeting an article about his reaction to the death of Queen Elizabeth lololol.

He’s not masking guys. He’s not covert in the slightest. He’s one of the most overt narcissists who has ever lived lol.

NPD requires that pattern of behavior to cause some sort of harm or distress, not for them to become one of the most powerful people in the world.

Also, generally, using psychology like that is dumb. People with real psych issues should get help, understanding and empathy. Trump deserves none of that.


My dude you clearly weren’t raised by someone with NPD lol. This is something to be grateful for when you go to sleep tonight trust me.

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Trump may be a member of the alien species known on Resident Alien as Alpha Draconians. I say this because, when Asta asks Harry if he thinks they will respond to his crop circle message, he replies “Of course they will, they are narcissistic chicken dicks!” And how does that not describe FPOTUS?

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Love that show

It flags a little at times for me but then Harry will say some shit and I burst out laughing uncontrollably for a minute. Worth it.

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I know you’re a doctor, so don’t take this as arguing with you, but seems like the definition is too limited if it means someone could theoretically not qualify as having NPD simply because they are so wealthy they escape consequences regular people taking the same actions would face.


These people don’t get help because the nature of their mental illness offloads all the consequences for it onto everyone around them. It’s basically the medical definition of a very particular type of abusive asshole. Everyone should save their sympathy for the people stuck in their orbit.

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Trump had at one point tried to get the judge replaced by the one doing the special master deal.

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You’ll be hard pressed to find someone that made a shit ton of money who doesn’t have a personality disorder

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Love a quality copypasta

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