The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Meh. Even if so at least it drives discussion even if everybody else is of the same viewpoint (waaf etc).

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I knew it!

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I mean, everyone acting so goddamn sure they’re right and nothing can or will ever happen to him, did provide the incentive to insert myself into the conversation if I’m being honest. I probably would’ve stayed on the sidelines otherwise. But I also believe that the arguments I’m making are true and have merit. So I’m in no way trolling in the sense darkandcoldak is accusing me of


You’re not trolling, you’re just a couple years behind the rest of us. You’ll get there.


Keep in mind he hasn’t even been CHARGED. Which is step 1 of like 50. It’s hopeless man

Notice that I offered odds that more closely align with my confidence level (I think even money gives me a slight edge, but is a reasonably fair bet). If some here are to be believed, I should’ve received multiple offers at a minimum of +1500 odds based on what they claim their confidence level is and if they truly believe in what they’re saying. So who’s actually trolling here?

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It’s not really fun to bet on a topic on the wrong side of +1500 when you’d really like to lose?

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So many impotent types like Garland must be so desperate for Trump to just die and then they can give a big speech about how they obviously would have held him accountable and no one is above the law and herp derp lawbro stuff.


ToothSayer (who is probably Cactus) did the same thing, and it made absolutely no difference. There are a lot of people who are utterly incapable of understanding that another person can make a hobby of saying things they don’t mean solely to get a reaction, and that arguing with them is about as useful as talking to an AI chat bot. Humans are pathologically credulous.

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IMO keep trumpbot but make it filter out videos/pictures and anything with a link. Just keep his rants. Also get rid of image

There’s a difference between being a contrarian/troll and being a scammer.

You shouldn’t accuse a long-term member here of being a scammer without evidence.

I like your side of the indictment bet, and I still believe nothing will happen to him.

Yup. Flipped my vote too. Pull him.


Now that more of you have flipped, I’ll resubmit this as a good solution. I think it’s valuable to have the bot on UP, but with his level of insanity it does degrade the value of this thread to have them all auto post here.


We got her!

This is a good solution. I can go in there when I hate myself.

If they were actually trying to win this seems like the move.


I like the bot here but could live with a separate thread. Still, I think we at least need a 24-48 hour pole.

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Yeah. Not sure how they couldn’t have more than enough to prosecute. If any of us had in our house what Trump had in his, where would we be right now? The definite move to the special master crap is to haul him in on something. They can add more charges later if they want.

They are not indicting him and they never were.