The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!



$100 bet heā€™s indicted on federal charges by this time next year you take yes? Prefer to charity of choice. Reply booked if money is near mouth etc. Usual preface here, Iā€™m not being a dick or calling you out and would love to lose. But I wonā€™t.

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too bad there isnā€™t a working RFC process! the fascists have truly won

She said the materials canā€™t be used as part of the investigation.

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lolololol heā€™s going to get off because all the evidence is top secret. Amazing.


Iā€™ll let actual lawyers (which Iā€™m not) comment on this. But itā€™s my understanding the Trump team filed this way too late and everything has already been looked thru

Also, any documents they claim as executive privilege is an admission he was in possession of presidential records that belong to the government and not him. He canā€™t win on this

Good thing the government got to look through a bunch of inadmissible evidence. Should be helpful at trial.

Why not?

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Iā€™m not so sure that Trump will get in any legal trouble over this, but I do think the attendent controversy now makes him an underdog to ever be nominated to the Supreme Court. Weā€™ll see.

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Delay is the win. Law has little to do with it except as a smokescreen.


omg the trumpbot

Like can even true believers be bothered to wade through all this shit? Itā€™s a never ending wall of total garbage.

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Lol, you guys literally cannot handle the Truth


Branding it as Truth was genius. It feeds the authorsā€™ perception that their ramblings have merit.

Iā€™m old enough to remember when lawbros laughed heartily at the Obamacare challenge.


There literally are no rules, man. Wake up. The people in robes are super-legislators who can never be voted out.


Even if the special master were to grant that every single item taken from the search is to be returned (and that wonā€™t happen), the DoJ has already reviewed and investigated most of it. In fact, they probably already knew everything they needed to know before conducting the search! Do you really think theyā€™re going to raid a former presidentā€™s home not already having a good idea of what theyā€™re going to find and/or before being able to prove crimes were committed? You guys must think the DoJ is comprised of a bunch of bumbling fools, You are severely underestimating both them and their resources imo

How does delaying help Trumpā€™s defense?

No, what weā€™re saying is that it doesnā€™t matter if the DOJ proves a crime.

You believe that there are rules that must be adhered to. There are not. Itā€™s complete Calvinball.


Conservative judges (some whom Trump himself appointed) shot down nearly 60 cases of attempts at nullifying election results. His former AG just draxxed him on Fox News. There is still hope. The thing to keep in mind is that Trump is no longer relevant. He only seems so, because he makes a ton of noise and MSM keeps feeding this defeatist narrative to their viewers. If he were still president and held power, Iā€™d agree with you. But he LOST! MAGA politicians will keep hanging on for dear life to his sinking ship, but judges (and soon non MAGA Republicans) donā€™t have to. Heā€™s done


If you mean in court, a defense is unnecessary if he can delay indefinitely. Before a hypothetical trial, by hindering the investigation and giving him time to tamper with witnesses and evidence while muddying the water in the media. And if he ā€œwinsā€ in '24, this is all academic.


The other thing to remember is that deep down, Garland would probably be thrilled not to have to deal with this shit at all. To him Iā€™m sure the delays are fine, excuses to not politicize things right before midterms are fine, the inevitable use of that same logic when heā€™s officially running for prez again are fine. Then when Trump either wins again in '24 or drops dead, whichever comes first, he can be like ā€œphew, I ran the clock out and didnā€™t have to contend with this shitshow.ā€


+1 good lord

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