The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Instead of his tweets being something that could lead us into nuclear holocaust or dictatorship at any moment, they’re now the deranged ramblings of a loser screaming into the void, desperately seeking the attention that has been lost. It’s pretty delicious schadenfreude.


I’d feel better about that if he wasn’t one of the three most likely people to be president come January 2025.

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He is a favourite to be president again! If that was not true I’d be all in on the schadenfruede!

He’s definitely less than 50 percent to be president again. Edit; A lot of the other side though are people just as bad though like Desantis.

Had no idea Trump was into bondage.

I find it easy to forget how completely fucking unhinged Trump and his followers are without regular reminders. I think there is some danger in shielding ourselves from the raw reality of it.


Materials cannot be used for criminal investigation pending Special Master review.

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I’m old enough to remember being told this was moot. lol law, lol USA

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America is a write off.

Ah well, nevertheless.

Rinse and repeat.

Don’t worry, I’m sure the appeals process will work swiftly and come to the correct conclusion.


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How long is this expected to take?

One day past the 2024 election obviously.

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A truly absurd ruling. LOL LAW

Executive privilege get the fuck out of here

An injunction preventing a prosecution based upon evidence already collected is certainly a new one for me. Oh well, lol me for thinking otherwise. Of course, it’s irrelevant anyway since he was never getting prosecuted even if he hadn’t done the special master bs.

Does anyone know if there is a project that is archiving Trump’s Truths in a more durable and queryable fashion? I found this site below for his tweets as an example of what I’m looking for, but on Truth Social posts

Guess how this ends

You have to be a special distilled level of stupid to post SCOTUS will be the voice of reason.

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yeah, I mean the “you can’t prosecute while this plays out” injunction is ridiculous. There’s just no such thing as that. That said, probably goes 5-4 in Trumps favor at the Supreme Court sometime in 2024.

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Court tells prosecutor they can’t investigate or charge crime.

Lolololololololol amazing stuff.