The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

This dumb motherfucker still thinks the most important thing is the perception of his crowd size.

The Truth Social images are coming up as broken for me

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(video TRUTH)

( truth (lol) | raw text )

Yeah, sure. I personally hate paperwork.

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I’d change British to non-American. But otherwise point is valid. American journalists suck at this.

well, sort of

there are US journalists who are good at this, US politicians just refuse to do interviews with them. It’s kind of flabbergasting that they do agree to interviews with foreign journalists.

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Really like who? I suppose Mehdi Hasan is technically American, but I ain’t counting that.

no I guess I worded that badly

any journalist who does ask “tough” questions is never getting another shot with that politician and will be blackballed with a bunch of others as well. so the behavior fixes itself.

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Kushner mentions his book. Maybe that is part of a book tour and he didn’t expect to get asked substantial questions.

That’s the flabbergasting part. We know he’s dumb, but that’s really dumb.

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Agreed. I’m sure that plays a huge roll.

But I also think that it’s a skill that is developed. If you just never do it (because of the above incentives), then you will never be good at it for the rare times when you might want to.


I’m not complaining. Doubt I’m missing much.

I think the “it’s so simple you overlook it” answer is that American “news” is mostly just propaganda.

Am I missing anyone, or are there no black officers in the Trump/Cop photo shoot? What’s up with that?

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One black officer showed up but the other ones lynched him.

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It works when i switch to a US IP.

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Also broken and +1 to separate bot thread.

( truth (lol) | raw text )