The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I can never remember which is which but I think Fallon’s the one that got Trump elected and Kimmel is the one who wears blackface

It’s pretty shocking that Kimmel hasn’t been MeToo’d for co-hosting The Man Show.

It’s also shocking that he isn’t a complete fucking nutcase like at least two of the other three hosts.

(Not sure about Stanhope, but I’d put my money on him as well.)

Stanhope had a libertarian streak through him in the past but his comedy is pretty much apolitical last time I saw it (Glasgow 2019).

I guess here he is bashing Sarah Palin. Really old clip

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it’s definitely weasel not jewish, but it’s hard for some people to see past that sort of thing in here

Yeah, not an anti-Semitic bone in that guy

The premise of the joke is that Weisselberg
  • sounds like “weasel”
  • is a Jewish name
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It’s “weasel”, "but “weasel-Jew” adds an extra layer.

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Can’t speak to Franken’s intention, but it definitely seemed to me to be referring to the Jewishness of the name. Also the way I say “Weisselberg” does not rhyme with weasel, to me it’s weiss like rice.


Yea if the name was pronounced the same I would be more likely to think it’s weasel but nah

you serious?

Yeah I agree with this.

Franken is just a total hack. It’s why the only he’s known for in entertainment is a SNL character

Plus isn’t the W pronounced more like a V? Like I would pronounce this Vice ill Burg.

It’s Jewish and “weasel” adds the extra layer.

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Right well it should really be “VICE-el-burg”.

It’s good to know who has me on ignore.

It could be pronounced shar-day for all I know, guy can say his name however he wants. But I’ve got a fair amount of family with “weiss” in their name and it’s pronounced “wice”, so that’s how it is in my head.

Missed your post because it snuck in there before I hit post on my first reply.

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Yeah, I didn’t even see the weasel connection, because I was thinking “wice” the whole time. I only saw the Jewishness of the name.

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