The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

NFT is a fraud. This just speeding up the end.

Get in early. Then get out.

It does seem likely that the NFT bubble is going to pop like the dotcom bubble with most of them tanking to nothing, but maybe a few surviving?

Presented without comment.

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Written like a Riverman who grasps the extent of his powers.


Don’t truckers make decent money?

That’s kind of what I was thinking. Surely they make enough to buy a $230K house.


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Brilliant analysis here

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Seems right to me, we all should happily trade a moderate reduction in overtly Christian rhetoric in exchange for a 1 billion % increase in overtly fascist rhetoric and explicit anti democratic actions. Credit where credit is due! It’s not like the raving madman totalitarian is blaring anti Semitic rhetoric in the media.


I also don’t think it’s true at all that Trump moderated the GOP posture on gay rights, or that he somehow made things better or less-bad for gay people. He didn’t personally spout hatred toward gay people, but he promoted the idea that hating the “other” is natural and normal and OK. At least in many parts of the country I definitely think it’s less safe for LGBTQ people now than it was 6 years ago.


I’m a non-practicing catholic, but I have a bunch of Jewish friends. The sad truth is that at least four of them are Trump supporters. That tilts me to no end. The day after the insurrection, I lit one of them up over his support for Trump. “You guys are all about ‘Never Again’ and then you vote for the fucking nazis? WTF?” And it went on from there. I felt badly about it afterwards because I really went off, and that’s kind of out of character for me. But I really don’t get it.

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My wife’s father is Jewish and a Trump supporter. And an asshole, but maybe that goes without saying? Anyway, if you asked him why, first thing he’d reference is hatred of Iran. And then the part that he wouldn’t say is that he’s a racist.

I also live in a heavily Armenian area, many are relatively recent immigrants. They hate hate hate Erdogan, obviously, and then turn around and love Erdogan-wannabe Trump. My personal assessment is that instead of hating authoritarianism and discrimination because of the historical persecution of their people, they just want to be on the winning side this time. Unfortunately I think a lot of that is going on with Jewish Trump supporters as well.

But at the end of the day the common denominator is always racism.


Got remember that the gay haters just moved one step over and are now bleating about trans people. As soon as they can they will move back to the gays.


Yeah, and I suspect racism is at the heart of my friends’ support of Trump as well. And the racism is the explanation for the anti-democracy fervor we’re seeing if you ask me. You can have tax cuts, and appoint conservative judges and even ban abortion while keeping democracy intact. But you’re never going to have a “white nation” and a democracy as well. Collectively, we’re never voting for that. So if you want a white nation, democracy has to go away first. And I think in large part, that’s why we see Republicans doing everything they can to make democracy go away. What my Jewish friends don’t seem to realize is that although they may not be at the front of the line, Trump has one-way tickets to Tel Aviv for all of them.

Dad is converted to judism and Trump supporter. used to love going to temple but stopped because most of them were libs LOL. Racist and general asshole. Like he can be good with family, but shitty to everyone else, also standard I think

Trump is yuuge in Israel. As far as most Israelis are concerned there’s nothing Nazi about him. Maybe we can get @Yuv to confirm.

These people perceive themselves as pro-democracy, not anti-democracy.

For them, America equals democracy. CRT is scary to them because it claims that America isn’t that beacon of democracy.

And they believe that the perfect democracy, which America is, should yield perfect results. If it doesn’t, that means to them that American democracy just hasn’t been properly implemented and any massages to the system are fair game if they result in preferred outcomes.

To help balance it out, got a family and extended family full of Jews here, and I think I’ve heard of 1 Trump supporter. Some 2nd or 3rd cousin who I haven’t seen in like 20 years.

The couple of families I know who lived in the US but now have settled in Israel also hate Trump/Netanyahu.

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I think this might be true for some people, but mostly I think the shift from gay to trans bashing is just a matter of people either: a) realizing the battle is lost and gay folks aren’t gonna disappear, or b) managing to wrap their minds around how someone can be gay and reluctantly accepting that it’s a thing that just happens, but then deciding this ‘new’ trans thing is too weird for them and it must be stopped.

Eventually they’ll admit that people being trans is a real thing that they can tolerate, but the non-binary and genderfluid folks are a bridge too far and they must be crazy. Lather, rinse, repeat. Unfortunately that’s kinda how progress on social issues goes.

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